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How to dress even more like a sissy

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Started by #528858 at 20,Feb,17 01:23
I love wearing panties. Thongs, boys shorts, hip huggers. I want to get even girlier. Please give me some tips on hot things I can wear and where to buy them.

I'm 6'2. And 220 pounds. So it's not always easy to find stuff. If anyone provides me with a good tip I will send a private pic of your suggestion by Wednesday or Thursday night this week


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By smoothnsmall at 24,Feb,17 15:39 other posts of smoothnsmall 
Check out the plus sizes at only registered users can see external links They have fast mail order service from AZ. I'm about your size and get my stockings and other things there. Good luck!

By #181785 at 21,Feb,17 04:46
You can wear anything you wish. Try going to Ross, Marshalls, Walmart and other stores like them. Most will allow you to try clothes on. Just pick out clothes you think make you look or feel hot. Have fun and don't worry about what other people say. I'm 6'4 and 240. And yes I have gone out in public.

By #460385 at 20,Feb,17 18:42
Check with Kaitlyn Jenner. He is about your size.

By #131063 at 20,Feb,17 18:38
Please don't be offended. My opinions only...

Someone that is 6'2" 220# should realize that they will never pull this off successfully. Now, some small male 5'4" 115 lbs who is very feminine might successfully dress in drag...the thought and mental image of a giant man trying to be a girlie girl has brought me tears of laughter.

you're a man; celebrate being a male.

Adult Discussion Forum