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Sturdy or Flimsy Boner... how do i compare?

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Started by Bendy at 31,Jan,13 18:54  other posts of Bendy

Let me know how I compare to other hard dicks... am I uselessly flimsy, or do they all bend like this?

Similar topics: 1.Boner   2.The Longer the Cock, the Flimsier the Boner   3.Needing Womer To Humiliate my FLEXIBLE Boner   4.Getting a boner at a nude beach   5.How long does it take you to get a boner?  

New Comment

By Bendy at 13,Jun,13 03:44 other posts of Bendy 
Please make fun of it's flexibility

By Bendy at 02,Jun,13 05:18 other posts of Bendy 
Ladies laugh plz

By Bendy at 14,May,13 07:57 other posts of Bendy 
I'm just curious

By #364688 at 07,May,13 16:07
Dude, you have issues, or points to burn on the same stupid topic.

By Bendy at 07,May,13 08:21 other posts of Bendy 

Adult Discussion Forum