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Started by #33138 at 05,Dec,09 22:42
What age did you start to wank, and when should it be acceptable for kids to? How big were you?

Similar topics: 1.i broke my personal best last week..13 wanks in a day   2.Who wanks while their wife sleeps beside them?   3.cant stop wanking   4.Skype Wanks?   5.KIK GF Pic Trade/Wanks  

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By #5173 at 14,Dec,09 00:59
11 for me, and I'm now 65 and still enjoying it 4 to 6 times a week
By #90650 at 05,Nov,11 17:56
Good on you old boy, I hope I'm still pulling on my knob them too. And sucking cock like there's no tomorrow. I find mature men quite a turn on.

By #59212 at 16,Apr,10 04:04
I didn't jerk off till I was 14 I think, always preferred to hump something. I was humping my mattress at 5yrs.

By #38932 at 03,Apr,10 04:56

By #44157 at 24,Jan,10 20:36
about 12 or 13. me and a friend would jerk off looking at playboy. i remember the first time i saw his dick, it was as big as mine. i loved to watch him jerk that huge dick of his. we would jerk for 2 or 3 hours before we would come. one time i came so hard that it hit some stuff on a shelf behind the toilet. and he could sure make a mess with his all over his belly.. we would walk around with ragging hard-on's when we slept outside.

By #22198 at 04,Jan,10 08:51
I was 11 at the time. A friend of mine taught me how to do it. I was so small then, I had to use a thumb and two fingers, but after a few tries I managed to cum.

By hipster at 31,Dec,09 17:45 other posts of hipster 
12, discovered it myself, felt so nice rolling my foreskin back and forward, got such a shock when it turned into an orgasm without cum, thought I had done some damage, soon tried it again, even more when I found out what it was all about.

By #22384 at 30,Dec,09 20:05
12, was great...

By Tommotino at 24,Dec,09 22:45 other posts of Tommotino 
I was 8 when my uncle played with me. I liked it a lot

By #15105 at 18,Dec,09 22:42
I remember to have had my first erection with 4 (!) .Said to my mum: "See, I'm able to 'move' my dicky", while I contracted my little 'lovemuscle'. and loved to have a stiffy ever since. But I really started to wank when I was ten.

By slipper at 18,Dec,09 01:51 other posts of slipper 
11 or 12 for me. I discovered it on my own. I'd always played with myself, having a hunk of foreskin to entice me and to experiment with. One day it "HAPPENED" while lying in bed and I was tugging and twisting it. I got up, went into the bathroom and immediately did it again, intentionally and more traditionally by stroking. What a life-changing discovery!!!

By gradurgaur at 14,Dec,09 07:36 other posts of gradurgaur 
13 my friend..was the first for me...

By #38932 at 09,Dec,09 20:48

By #6568 at 06,Dec,09 00:39
I don't think being "acceptable" has anything to do with it,...most kids start when they feel the need/want, and since they mostly (but not always) do it privately, it's their own business really. I was about 10 when I started which was quite a long time before I reached puberty in the accepted sense of pubic hair and muscle development.

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