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If a man is gay....

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Started by #301038 at 22,Feb,13 14:30
...would it be appropriate for a female to tell him how sexy he looks, despite of his sexual preference? Or would that be just as weird, as if a straight guy gets a comments from a guy of a similar nature?

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By #303133 at 22,Feb,13 17:00
A compliment is a compliment, no matter the orientation of the parties involved. If the dude gets all bitchy, the issue is HIS, not yours.
By #164428 at 22,Feb,13 18:47
By #201583 at 22,Feb,13 19:40
Compliments are rare and every single one should be relished, and a thoughtful thanks should be reciprocated.
By bella! at 22,Feb,13 20:22 other posts of bella! 
Hey, cumdump, I miss talking to you.
By #201583 at 22,Feb,13 20:41
I miss you too. I have been busy, busy. Working and writing, then reading and more reading.

By bella! at 22,Feb,13 15:38 other posts of bella! 
I posted a thread on 26, May, 2012 titled; A QUESTION FOR GAY MEMBERS. There was an uploaded picture that caught my eye which was quite artistic My comment was merely "Beautiful" The member deleted the comment which prompted me to ask him why. I received a very hostile response, more then what I anticipated however, I did appreciate his candor. Evidently, a well meant compliment is not always well received.
By #323005 at 22,Feb,13 15:42
I think there are definitely some gay people who feel revolted/very uncomfortable about the idea of sex or sexual interaction with a member of the opposite sex.
By bella! at 22,Feb,13 16:09 other posts of bella! 
This happened to me this morning on the way into work; upon entering the elevator, the gentleman behind me reached to press and select his floor. He smelled fresh and clean ( not perfumey smell, just WONDERFUL ). I qualified my comment/compliment by beginning with; "This is nothing more then a compliment" then I mentioned how great he smelled.........
By #323005 at 22,Feb,13 16:38
how did he react..?
By bella! at 22,Feb,13 18:58 other posts of bella! 
He said thank you, that's what I hoped for.

By #68656 at 22,Feb,13 15:56
Hello Bella.
The silly queen had a hissy fit so forget about him and move onto better things and people.
By bella! at 22,Feb,13 16:14 other posts of bella! 
Oh, I have moved on......and I am cautious with regard to whose pictures I comment on.

By #285354 at 22,Feb,13 15:43
The key is correct context.

By #285354 at 22,Feb,13 14:38
Can a gay man design a sexy dress for a woman?
Of course...
We all recognize sex appeal when we see it. There's nothing weird about paying a compliment.

Adult Discussion Forum