| I am curious to know if anyone thinks men with short trimmed beards are attractive vs. clean shaven.
I have read studies that suggest some semblance of facial hair is deemed attractive to women, though not too much.
Although some women like a grizzly Adams type, there are even more that prefer clean shaven.
As a guy I feel better with a bit of scruff and this is when I feel most confident and like a man. When I am clean shaven I feel kind of vulnerable and naked almost. Emasculated.
I also have noticed in Gay Pop culture there seems to be a bit of a fascination or fetishization of beards ie. 'Bears'.
So I hope I am not committing a 'faux pas' by switching the subject away from the 'nether anatomy' and if you are annoyed or find this boring I thank you for your patience.
so pray tell, whatch'ya think of short trimmed, neat tidy beards? |