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Started by #354142 at 05,Mar,13 03:39
has anyone ever had sex with a sibling or family member, gay or straight.

New Comment

By Ray10754 at 05,Mar,13 18:18 other posts of Ray10754 
Dear mr Speedy103, Be advised that this is not an apropreate topic for this fourm!!
We here don't take these sort of topics lightly!!
You have been warned!
By bigone21 at 05,Mar,13 18:43 other posts of bigone21 
WHO decides what IS appropriate??

and if i said me and my b r o t h e r jacked eachother once when we were 14 and 12, would that be the truth, inappropiate, or too worse to even talk about? or does it even need censoring?

in the end it's up to admin to decide.

what YOU think is appropriate is not the law!
By Ray10754 at 05,Mar,13 19:00 other posts of Ray10754 
Thanks for your oppinion on the matter
But having sex with any member of the imediate family is called (i n s e s t) and here in the states that is ileagle

Just saying!
By bigone21 at 06,Mar,13 22:08 other posts of bigone21 
Well, the world is NOT defined as being only the US of A.

Thank God it is NOT!

Some countries have different laws, did you know that???

By #323005 at 05,Mar,13 19:04
Isn't i.ncest between immediate family members i.llegal in the US...?
By #147052 at 06,Mar,13 15:03
No, just look at all the folks from Miss., Georgia, Alabama, etc.

By #4617 at 06,Mar,13 14:51

Adult Discussion Forum