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Started by #287023 at 12,Mar,13 03:14
When I was younger, about 14 to 16, me and my friend used to have sleepovers all the time, one night we got on the topic of our cocks and masturbating, etc. ended up showing our cocks to each other, it went on from there, comparing cocks, watching porn together, jerking off one at a time so we could watch each other cum. That was several years ago now and we haven't ever done anything or spoke about it since. But I still think back to that time and wonder what it would be like to have a full on experience with him.. Im wondering if I should risk bringing up that topic to him sometime and see what he says, maybe he would be willing to have a full on experience with me, does anyone have any advice on what I should do?!

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By #287023 at 14,Mar,13 03:36
those images are of me,i took a video of myself and then screen shot a few pictures during the video, those words are what pops up when I take the pictures, sorry about that guys, but they are of me

By #287023 at 14,Mar,13 03:32
thanks a lot guys, and what web images are you guys talking about??

By pifad at 12,Mar,13 11:28 other posts of pifad 
I agree with JohnS. Your friendship is more valuable than any "full on experience". A roll in the hay is just that and lasts the most half an hour. True friendship, if treated properly can last a lifetime and beyond and is so much more rewarding on so many levels. Think it over before you do anything you will regret. (And yes, fake pics of yourself are sleazy. )

Adult Discussion Forum