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Hydrocele - big balls

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Started by #320834 at 15,Mar,13 08:03
Hi everyone,

I'm a 20 years old guy from Belgium. Since I became member of this site, people always told me how they liked my big balls or big ballbag. I also had an encounter where a girl told me I had some big testicles, especially my left one. Well, at firts I didn't worry about it because my left one had always been bigger than the right testicle. But, when my left testicle became almost the sice of a lemon (bigger than an egg) i started worrying (also because of all the stories about testicular cancer). I went to see a doctor and made some scans. The verdict was that my left testicle was swollen because of an Hydrocele, or an abnormal fluid collection.

Last wednesday, I had my operation where they took all the fluid out of it. Afterwards the ballbag was closed with 8 stitches.

It still hurts a lot and i have to keep holding ice against my scrotum because it gets swollen all the time.

I wonder if anyone here had a similar operation? Could you tell me something about the recovery? How long will it take before the pain goes away and my testicle looks normal again?

For all you guys with a big testicle: if you worry, go see a doctor. It's not normal to have a testicle thats bigger than an egg. In some cases it can be cancer, but in most cases it's a hydrocele. You can choose to keep your testicle the way it is, but keep in mind that there will probably be more fluid in it in the future.


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New Comment

By #201583 at 16,Mar,13 00:18
Good luck. I had that operation in1999. Except they cut me in the pelvic region and left a nasty scar. I still get an occasional feeling of being kicked in the balls.

By #282728 at 15,Mar,13 09:06
It happens due to injury at your testicles or if you lift the heavy weight without using supporter in gym. But some has naturally big balls.
By gradurgaur at 15,Mar,13 14:08 other posts of gradurgaur 
i work out in the gym and i do lift some time heavy weight but i have not hear about testicles injury do to weight lyfting

By gradurgaur at 15,Mar,13 08:59 other posts of gradurgaur 
My dear pieter1992
am very glad to hear that you whent to doctor and see what was wrong and am very glad that it was not cancer..
I wish you A speeded recovery and i hope everthing wil be ok..down stairs

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