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Started by GIJOE at 21,Mar,13 08:25  other posts of GIJOE
I know this might sound silly, but ive just got a cock ring but I'm not sure what they actually do, and does it go round the balls as well?

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By #323075 at 22,Mar,13 06:06
It gives more than one possibility to wear a cockring. Sometimes I use it foe my balls:

[deleted image]

Sometimes I use it for both, cock and balls:
[deleted image]

By #124665 at 21,Mar,13 18:09
It depends what size the ring is and what it's made out of. A smaller ring will be for only the penis, and while you can wear a whole package ring all the time, the constriction type rings worn during erection shouldn't be worn for more then a half an hour without a break. Cutting off b lood flow to the penis for an extended period is not a good thing, it needs circulation.

By #361268 at 21,Mar,13 10:28
Yes it fits around the balls and cock it helps to keep the **** in the cock when you have an erection and it all so pushes the cock and balls forward i have mine on most ot the time just check out my picks
By spermkiss at 21,Mar,13 15:53 other posts of spermkiss 
That is mostly correct.

Most cock rings fall into the sex toy catagory and are worn around both the cock and balls. To put this type on, one first puts his balls thru the ring and then the soft cock is pushed thru. Once the cock is erect, the ring cannot be removed until the erection goes down. And it will go down eventually. A cock ring does tend to prolong erections, but it will not keep a cock hard forever.

But, as mickey192 correctly states, the main purpose of this kind of ring is to make a man's equipment more attractive and to make things look bigger. It holds the balls down in the sac and pushes everything forward for a more pronounced appearance when nude. It also makes for a bigger bulge in the crotch of a snug fitting bathing suit or snug fitting pants. What man doesn't want that? I, too, wear mine 24/7.

But there is another kind of cock ring that is a bona fide medical device and that is sometimes prescribed by doctors for ED. A friend on mine had one that was prescribed by his doctor for that very purpose. This kind is worn just around the penis at its base. It is snug fitting and it restricts b-l-o-o-d flow out so that an erection can be maintained.
By GIJOE at 21,Mar,13 16:23 other posts of GIJOE 
Wow thank you for all that, I think I will wear it during sex and see what happens, is it worth wanking with it on??
By spermkiss at 21,Mar,13 17:48 other posts of spermkiss 
It is worth doing ANYTHING with it on. As I said, I wear mine 24/7 and it does not in any way interfere with the normal functioning of my cock and balls. I get hard, get soft, can urinate and ejaculate. I rarely take mine off and I wear it everywhere, during sexual encounters, when jacking off, to the gym, to nude beaches, even to medical appointments. No doctor has even so much as batted an eye when I dropped my pants with the ring on, nor has any ever advised me that it was in any way harmful or unhealthy.

So, yeah, put your ring on and enjoy wearing it. Enjoy it for sex, eithe partnered or solo. And enjoy it in any situation where you take off your pants, such as locker rooms and showers at swimming pools or gyms. It's fun to show off your stuff.

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