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What is exciting about fucking a woman?

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Started by #13286 at 13,Dec,09 06:50
I want to hear it from guys' point-of-view. What things (sights, feelings, emotions, etc.) do you enjoy and remember when you fantasize?

The more descriptive the better.

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By #94738 at 05,Jan,13 08:25
When their movement and noises become involuntary.

By #6568 at 14,Dec,09 11:35
Yet again an intelligent and interesting post.....

This subject is such a massive one to me that I have found it daunting to try to answer effectively. For me, the woman must be the right type,..and this is almost impossible to explain. She must be friendly and kind,..strong minded and not given to flights of fancy,....practical and knows what she wants,...all of this with a soft centre. And, she must enjoy sex/love making (it's the same thing to me even when not 'in love')...she must participate freely for her fullfillment, NOT to gain an advantage by using sex as many women do. Above all, she must be genuine,..I have no time for feeding anyones pet illusions about themselves. She need not be beautiful,...some of my best memories and fantasies are about quite plain 'real' women.

For me sex and love are beautiful,....yes, I know it sounds silly and simplistic, but thats how I am. Even a plain woman looks beautiful when she is fully aroused. I'm in a minority in that I hate the idea of sex being 'dirty',...to me it is not. Because of this, I have never thought of any women who like and enjoy sex as 'sluts' and greatly dislike any idea of women being abused for either their or the mans arousal. For me sex is exquisite and wonderful,..I know it sounds naff!!

For me the greatest thing is when a nice 'respectable' woman starts to get turned on,..when her personality that I have warmed too becomes aroused,..when her movements become 'slack' ...when her cheeks start to flush and her eyes sparkle,...when she runs her hand thru her hair while putting her head on one side....when her eyes look deeply into mine,...when she can't prevent her eyes from dropping to my crotch....about this I 'fantasize'.

I enjoy more basic stuff as well,...I love it when she is torn between her modesty and her incresing arousal,..when she wants to keep her body covered but her legs start to spread,..when the pleasure starts to flow in her and she is ready to mate,..but is self concious about her imperfect body,...I love to tell her how beautiful she looks and coax her into partial nakedness. I love a woman in a soft skirt with no panties on,..spreading her legs and baring her thighs more and more,..kissing the inside of her thighs,.....feeling her convulse when she comes with her clothes dissarranged....

....I love hearing the sounds she makes,...when she ties to be quiet but gets ovecome and screams out with passion,....I like the way she uses her body when she mates with me,..the way her buttocks ripple with every thrust,..the way she presses onto me....

This could turn into a book....
By #316049 at 03,Jan,13 19:38
Big fan of everything oldbugle writes (check his blogs out too) - when he's posted in a thread I find it close to impossible to add anything or argue anything. Great writer and very level-headed and thorough thread commenter. Keep it up mate
By #61033 at 03,Jan,13 19:45

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