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fucking a woman on her period

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Started by #366733 at 29,Apr,13 04:43
My man doesn't mind fucking me when I'm on my period, he says it's just extra lube. How many guys feel the same way

Similar topics: 1.Have you ever brought a woman to orgasm without fucking? while woman is on her period   3.Who likes likes having sex during a girls period?   4.Have you ever fucked a girlfriend when she is having her period?   5.might have sex tonight!!!  

New Comment

By #428059 at 02,Nov,13 07:41
A lot of women seem more amped up when they have there period, and I have no problem licking them until they beg for a fuck

By #413950 at 02,Aug,13 18:07
I love it. I rub the crimson stuff all over my stomach and balls. .And I have earned my red wings several times.
The clots are the best.

By DJS at 01,Aug,13 18:10 other posts of DJS 
I was seeing one girl who didn't tell me she cum on,i only realized she had the following morning with her dried **** all over me mouth/face/cock/(didn't think anyone could live with loosing that much ****)

By #384280 at 01,Aug,13 18:03
"if you never have blo0d on your sword, you aren't a warrior"

By botanic at 31,Jul,13 10:24 other posts of botanic 
Nothing wrong at all , though I did this once years ago in hotel , and the bed looked like the scene of a mass murder !

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