It's legal here. Doesn't bother me in the slightest --------------------------------------- added after 99 seconds
If prop8 is legalising same sex marriage in the US then , why not?!
By #201583 at 28,Mar,13 05:39
prop 8 in a nut shell means "only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California." If the Supreme court rules the same way it could effect the rest of the country.
By #360973 at 28,Mar,13 06:19
Dumb, just legalise it nationwide - it doesn't impact on anyone or anything - gay people are gay, other than the religious/conservative-rights misguided arguments, what difference does allowing them to marry and have the same rights as us straight people make? Zilch, none, zero!
By #201583 at 28,Mar,13 06:30
You're preaching to the choir.
By #360973 at 28,Mar,13 07:55
I just don't understand what the big deal is - the notion that in a progressive nation like the US would wadte so much time debating/grandstanding over such a trivial matter, perplexes me - legalise it and move on to something worthy of indepth discussion and lengthy political processes --------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes
If the argument is: marriage is for procreation - my counter would be - with close to 400million people, do the American people actually think they could provide shelter, natural resources and government services for more?
By #147052 at 28,Mar,13 14:19
Whoever said this was a progressive country? From what I see lately in the political scene, we are becoming a nation or moralistic nazis.
And who started the idea of marriage being between a man and a woman only? The bible? That is nothing other that the poor man's cheap book of si-fi.
By #201583 at 28,Mar,13 01:05
The people that don't want it get it in their butts from the government every time a government official opens their mouth.
If marriage is for reproducing only, why is it legal for men and women to have protected sex? Why is it legal for a husband and wife to have sex more than the optimum 24 hour ovulation period? Why is oral sex legal? Marriage smarriage. Sorry! I had to vent.
--------------------------------------- added after 99 seconds
If prop8 is legalising same sex marriage in the US then , why not?!
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes
If the argument is: marriage is for procreation - my counter would be - with close to 400million people, do the American people actually think they could provide shelter, natural resources and government services for more?
And who started the idea of marriage being between a man and a woman only? The bible? That is nothing other that the poor man's cheap book of si-fi.
If marriage is for reproducing only, why is it legal for men and women to have protected sex? Why is it legal for a husband and wife to have sex more than the optimum 24 hour ovulation period? Why is oral sex legal? Marriage smarriage. Sorry! I had to vent.