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guy, many partners = stud...girl, many partners=slut, why the difference?

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Started by #374428 at 18,Apr,13 06:50
In a forum on Apr 11, Peach asked a great reads:
P.S: IMHO, the meaning behind the words slut and whore are hypocritical... If men engaged in sex with multiple partners, they'd be praised not called names. Even calling a guy "man whore" is not offensive or even slightly derogatory, it's more of a proud tittle. Why there is such an inequality?

She summed up what I want to ask eloquently! Since the PS was not commented or went further I want to bring it up again

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By #146804 at 18,Apr,13 12:23
Men who **** around with many women are only praised by idiots who think such a thing is 'rad' thanks to our culture.
By #374428 at 18,Apr,13 12:37
Yep...And how do you think we can attempt to change that culture? What would fundamentally have to change in society?

By #360973 at 18,Apr,13 12:37
Just unfortunate that the world is 90% idiot infested
--------------------------------------- added after 9 minutes

...and the thing is it's an in-built function - as a younger man it wasn't about my image, it was an internal ego-feeding mechanism. I'm assuming guys were/are the same - therein lies the's not a societal pressure, it's an internal one that most men feel (at least for some duration of time in their life)
By #374428 at 18,Apr,13 12:46
...i have to agree wholeheartedly! about the idiot part

By #374428 at 18,Apr,13 12:59
About part 2...Are you saying men are wired like this to make those conquests from birth? Do they want to on an instinct level that will procreate more because of the multiple partners? societal morals have intervened to teach women not to be that way...thus changing how nature intended us to be!!
By #303133 at 18,Apr,13 20:14
The biological imperative is not for procreation, merely to have sex. Guys are not hard-wired to want c hildren. The drive is just to stick their penis into as many things as is possible. The goal is simply to make the boner go away.
By #374428 at 19,Apr,13 11:09
isn't that called instinct Will?

By #301038 at 18,Apr,13 12:45
until men can have kids, it's not going to change
By #374428 at 18,Apr,13 12:51
But why do parents treat their sons different than their daughters by buying condoms for their son but teaching their daughters to abstain from sex? i have a friend with both a son and a daughter and he treats each different...based on their sex with regards to the subject of sex
By #301038 at 18,Apr,13 13:02
Hmm... that's a good question. Maybe the dads want their sounds to get experience, and for the daughters not to get pregnant...

Double standarts gotta start somewhere
By #374428 at 18,Apr,13 13:27
most things start in the home

By #124665 at 19,Apr,13 03:49
What Peach said does hold a lot of weight. I don't have the time to type out a whole big story like that but I can say this: The reason for such a difference between men and women "sluts" is all a byproduct of society and youth culture, as portrayed in the media and such. On average men will have many more partners then a woman will. Slut and whore is just are just words anyway. Who society or social groups label such ppl as is just opinion. If you're a woman or man it is human nature to want sex. Some women just like the cock and want more and different cocks, as many as they can. What makes them a slut is the jealous ppl in their social circles who wish they could be having such fun, so they give them a derdogatory label. So they want lots of cock, that doesn't make it wrong. And if a guy wants to fuck a bunch of women same thing. It's different because the media has told us it was for years now. Mostly, it all comes down to parenting. If you come from a home that is morally bankrupt, it's more likely you'll have more sexual partners then if growing up where there is rules, love and education. It's all subject to circumstance and education and perception. And religion.. But before I get even deeper, I suggest we all get naked and have an awesome orgy so all my friends can be jealous when I'm labeled a slut. I'd rather be called that then a Pope
By #301038 at 19,Apr,13 03:58
I grew up with a whole lot of rules, love ad lots and lots of education, but I probably will reach a hundred mark by the time I'm 30, maybe 35... depending on how horny and how lonely I'll find myself...

It's more of a personality thing and how much female loves sex. I have a friend who went without sex for almost 3 years... and it was normal for her...

For me, sex is better than shrink for stress relief, and if I don't get laid for a while, I go crazy... get into some weird kumbaya shit, turn vegan or start getting energy from the sun... but sex keeps me more grounded mentally sound.
By #124665 at 19,Apr,13 05:10
Um.. Aren't you married? Why the horny n lonely? 100 by 30 It is a personality thing, totally.. And there is nothing wrong with being vegan, though it's not my thing.. Getting energy from the sun is. Summertime

By #360973 at 19,Apr,13 05:31
Agreed, except for the parenting thing dictating the activity/inactivity of the **** - I come from a pretty "affluent" family and was brought up by decent, loving parents but by the age of 13, my parents influence was a complete non-factor - in my mind I was an adult and I was hellbent on sleeping with as many attractive girls as I could. Then again, maybe i'm the exception, not the rule.
The religion comment though (& mine on how girlsare each others worst enemies), that'sa major player inthe repression of women.
By #124665 at 19,Apr,13 06:38
You snobby rich cunt, I was not your parent What you mean is you thought for yourself (many ppl never get to this level) and decided what YOU wanted to do with your life (many ppl never do this either) add some music that revels in freedom of thought (esoteric influences and punk rock) and you're a man slut (high fives all around for being a prick in the roses)

By #374428 at 18,Apr,13 07:23
Do you think it would have to do with knowing who **** are fathered by as well?
By #301038 at 18,Apr,13 11:45
Have you see this news of a 15 year old, that thought she got pregnant from a 12 year old, but then 12 more people claimed to have sex with her, and the father was someone else....

For heavens sake, give those kids some sex ed and condoms.
By #374428 at 18,Apr,13 13:05
kids these days need so much lets start to sit down and have conversations over dinner again!

By #301038 at 18,Apr,13 10:24
There are several things that come to mind.

From biological standpoint, eggs are more rare than sperm and come with a huge price tag. Men don't have to deal with that price tag, if they choose not to. So, to discourage women from getting pregnant and raising kids on her own, society looks down on women who slееp around, instead of finding a lifelong partner to build a family.

From women's standpoint, to have the best chance in raising her kids and having a good family, she needs the best man she can get, a provider, a good husband and a father. For a female "playing hard to get" is sort of a test, to see if the man got what it takes, and if he really wants to put some time and effort "to win her over" and have a family. Women who are easy to get are simply lowballing, making other women look like stuck up women, who can't put a price on themselves.

From a young man standpoint, sex is something so desirable, that the will fuck anyone with a hole, who puts out. He wants to get some experience too. Women, who reject him are bitches and sluts, because rejection hurts like fuck and they feel the need to bring those women down somehow.

From a men, who wants a family, standpoint, he wants a female, who can have kids, who is healthy, who doesn't have her lady parts damaged by std's, and with each sexual partner, risk of having std's increases. He wants a woman, that will be a good homemaker and a mother, instead of worrying about her partying and fucking around all the time. He wants a woman, that wasn't fucked by people he knows or come across in the future, simply not to be embarrassed by all the stories.

For a man, who is past their prime, and can't get laid, he hopes for an easy woman to let him have some.

Some women like the dirty talk, and slut is a go to word in the bedroom. Being called a slut, might unleash her inner desires, that might contradict with an image of "good girl". Some men learn one way of being with a woman, and think that every woman they sleеp with, are going to want the same thing the first one wanted. And if that woman wanted to be called a slut, he'll try his chances with calling others - sluts, until he calls the wrong woman a slut, and gets hit in the nuts.

Why men are considered studs, instead of being called sluts... simply because getting laid for most men is like winning, it's a fucking achievement. And they are proud of it.

Because a key that can open many locks is a master key, but a lock that can be opened by many keys is just a shitty lock.

With modern means of contraception, diseases and pregnancies can be easily avoided, however, not every one got enough brains to think about that, when the blооd is rushing towards their groin area. If everyone keeps their mouth shut, rumors can be avoided too, but the fucking need to brag about concours and achievements gets in the way.

I personally think that quantity is just a number, what we are going for is experiences, impressions, and memories... if we get lucky and find that one person we can have it all with, on the first try it's a fucking miracle, but for most it's a pass of trial and error until we come across that one special person, who makes you feel like you haven't lived before meeting him or her.

In my case, my second husband is that one special person, with whom I want to spend the rest of my life with, but due to his career, we knew that we'll be apart for many months at a time, and at 21 going without sex for a year is a fucking nightmare, but lying to each other is ever worse. We agreed on an open marriage, while we are apart and occasional couples fun (mw+w or mw+mw), when we are together, if we both want something on the side. We had some ground rules, mostly to keep things quiet. At this point, he is back home and I hope he gets to stay home for a while. And it is simply amazing to have my man back.
By #374428 at 18,Apr,13 12:45
I agree with you...I also think it is a part of the "there's women that you fuck" and then "there's women that you marry" syndrome. but who is deciding this for us? and why hasnt it changed for 2 millenia?

By #360973 at 18,Apr,13 07:11
They definitely are hypocritical. Most of us straight guys are all about notches on our bed post" and for that reason and because of the still ingrained inequality between men/women, we are not shamed for it.
I would suggest (and don't get me wrong, I still believe it to be an unfair disparity) that some of the thinking behind very active men being seen as studs/heroes and active women being see as sluts/whores/skanks/slappers is due to the fact (on top of historical inequities between thesexes) that sex is a more intimate act for women - I.e., you women are letting us enter you which physically and symbolically is a lot more "involved" than us just entering you.
Society is far from perfect!

--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

.. "notches on our bed post" until we realise that that was a silly way to be, and for that reason...*
By #374428 at 18,Apr,13 07:22
Great point about the intimacy issue with women!
I guess we can't change society sad!

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