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Fake fems vs real fems behavior

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Started by #301038 at 10,Jun,13 04:07
I've been here for a while and I had the chance to speak to many men on here. I noticed something amusing, some males come up with some ridiculous pick up line that seemed to work on some members, however a lot of real females complain about those tactics. When I ask if that pick up line ever worked, the member replies that women love it... but not the real women I know...

So, maybe the ones that buy that crap are men pretending to be females. And that's why when contacting a real female with the same pick up line that worked on a fake one, they get so much resistance and are being constantly reported in girls only communities...

What are your thoughts on this?

Similar topics: 1.How we can keep the site real! (Read this if you care for SYC/SYD)   2.Men who like their nipples sucked   3.r u real ? is he real? am i real ? r they fake ?   4.Why delete only the "fake" profile?   5.females  

New Comment

By #485312 at 11,May,15 10:15
l don't like the ones that invite themselves to my place or use stand over tactics, l also don't like the Skype line, its just code for will you do a free sex show for a total stranger after 3 sentences of conversation...what else is Skype for???? and my pet hayte is being called slut or whore when you don't know me, all girls that are naked aren't your bitch...lm sure you wouldn't address a random woman in public like that, so why do it online??? and its the few arseholes that have made it bad for all the genuine blokes. they have scared most the real women off without thinking...lve had 5 really rude obnoxious people here in just a short time, some women would of left after the first run in..they don't have thick skin and take that kind of abuse personally *lix*

By #473422 at 26,Nov,14 23:01
fascinating thread did you drive the guy off the site LO.

I think I can honestly say no pickup line has ever worked for me. And for that matter I can't say what does. It doesn't seem to be honesty so much as the off the cuff things I do that seem to attract people. Well I guess that is a type of honesty, at least I am not trying to be fake just having fun I
suppose kind of hard to take something seriously when we can't be sure anything is real here. But I am not going to get upset because a woman doesn’t want me to masturbate to them. Or at least not hear about it. Given that there is ,ore porn on the internet to jack off too then could ever be seen. Getting ignored here is no big deal.hmm i guess I am a anti pickup line person . anyhow thought I would put my 2 cents in

By Sickboy at 10,Jun,13 23:42 other posts of Sickboy 
Tip on how to pic up a girl
,....say hello and be polite and be honest, no bravado!
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

Theres no need for....."if I said you had a beautiful body would you hold it against me!" ....Chat up lines!

By #360973 at 10,Jun,13 05:21
Interesting theory, makes sense...i think some guys are just pick-up-liners though and stick to what they're used to. Personally, I think they're lame and don't use them in real I woudn't consider using them here. I don't really understand what makes other guys think pick-up-lines are a good idea: maybe it's because they're tension/icebreakers (lazy ones) or because they want to show that they've got a bit of a sense of humour?
By #301038 at 10,Jun,13 06:02
Well, I think they type up something that looks good in their head and then copy paste the shit out of it
By #395173 at 10,Jun,13 07:18
Haha, you made two of these topics? You're really upset over something silly!
By #301038 at 10,Jun,13 15:27
I'm glad you were able to make that connection. You've been repeatedly reported in girls only groups, your approach doesn't seem to work on majority of real females on this site. But you still use it, as if it is a sure thing....

P.S: You haven't seen me upset yet.... I'm just fucking around with some ideas.
By #395173 at 10,Jun,13 18:50
Oh no! Angry grrrllll power. Please don't attack me on a penis rating site, miss. I'll switch up my one-liners, just for you, I promise!
By #301038 at 10,Jun,13 19:30
Why do you think that I'm angry or upset, I'm having fun, actually...

You are such a bad judge of character.
By #395173 at 10,Jun,13 21:33
It's cute how you're trying to play off your obvious annoyance. Anyway, I rarely waste my time talking to crabby girls who can't take a joke, so welcome back to my ban list
By #247457 at 10,Jun,13 22:52
me thinks you protest too much.
--------------------------------------- added after 48 seconds

you. meaning Jason. this didn't post where I thought it would.

By #247457 at 10,Jun,13 22:51
wow peach you must have really offended this guy, pick up lines are used by simple minds trying to get into a girls pants quickly (which you obviously already know).

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