| I've been here for a while and I had the chance to speak to many men on here. I noticed something amusing, some males come up with some ridiculous pick up line that seemed to work on some members, however a lot of real females complain about those tactics. When I ask if that pick up line ever worked, the member replies that women love it... but not the real women I know...
So, maybe the ones that buy that crap are men pretending to be females. And that's why when contacting a real female with the same pick up line that worked on a fake one, they get so much resistance and are being constantly reported in girls only communities...
What are your thoughts on this? |
I think I can honestly say no pickup line has ever worked for me. And for that matter I can't say what does. It doesn't seem to be honesty so much as the off the cuff things I do that seem to attract people. Well I guess that is a type of honesty, at least I am not trying to be fake just having fun I
suppose kind of hard to take something seriously when we can't be sure anything is real here. But I am not going to get upset because a woman doesn’t want me to masturbate to them. Or at least not hear about it. Given that there is ,ore porn on the internet to jack off too then could ever be seen. Getting ignored here is no big deal.hmm i guess I am a anti pickup line person . anyhow thought I would put my 2 cents in
,....say hello and be polite and be honest, no bravado!
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes
Theres no need for....."if I said you had a beautiful body would you hold it against me!"
P.S: You haven't seen me upset yet.... I'm just fucking around with some ideas.
You are such a bad judge of character.
--------------------------------------- added after 48 seconds
you. meaning Jason. this didn't post where I thought it would.