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Fantasy. Keep it real or not?

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Started by #301038 at 17,Jun,13 06:48
My husband and I were driving back home from the movies tonight, we had about 20 minutes and I just wanted to grab his dick and rub it, as I drove.... Anyways, as he was getting hard I asked him if he liked it, he said that he liked it very much, it was making him fantasize about what I was going to do to his dick later. I was in awe that he was fantasizing about me. I inquired if he always fantasize about me? And he said, that he likes to be realistic about it. Sometimes, he would fantasize about a threesome with another girl and me, but most of the time it's just me he is fantasizing about. He added, that if you fantasize about something you can't have, how can you ever be satisfied?

Me, on the contrary, fantasize about people I'd probably never have sex with. But mostly, it's the scenarios that I would imagine, that are completely out of the ordinary. What's the point of fantasizing about reality?

I'm curious, do you keep your fantasies real or not, and why?

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By #358797 at 17,Jun,13 07:21
I like my fantasies crazy. I let my imagination run wild. In my fantasies I can have whatever I want, why waste it on things I could actually have. Lol.

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