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The Ashes 2013

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Started by steve3095 at 30,Jun,13 01:39  other posts of steve3095
Australian and English members only. How will the ashes series go this year? As an Aussie, I'm worried about our batting. The bowlers look good. Pattinson and Siddle will be fast and do plenty of damage to England's top order. They need to knock over Cook and Trott to really get on top. It's up to Clark to make runs for Australia The rest are shakie. Hughes, just bowl outside off and he'll slash it to gully every time. Warner, if he thinks he can throw the bat at the seaming new ball in English conditions he won't last three overs. Watson, he's just a turd and we all **** him. Let me know you Ashes predictions and so how wrong we can all be. If you're an American you didn't understand a word of this.

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By #209848 at 05,Jul,13 05:41
Warner is not an openers bootlace and needs to bat at five or six where he can go after the old ball. Hughes and Watson should open and the supposedly best batsman in the world at the moment (Clarke) should bat at the traditional best bats spot of number three. Then we might have a chance of getting some runs.
By #360973 at 12,Jul,13 03:07
I've played against Hughes and I would put him in the same class as Warner - neither of them are test batsmen or have any technique outside of 20/20 cricket. A big to the "masterminds" behind the creation of 20/20 for murdering test cricket and the technique of batsmen and bowlers worldwide; another to the Australian media for pushing Ponting out prematurely and leaving the Australian team without a top-class experienced batsman (Clarke is no star and is ugly to watch); another for Clarke and the selectors for getting rid of Katich just because his personality clashed with Clarke's (the little ponse); & yet another for selectors past and present for neglecting to make Hodge a permanent fixture in the test team, not taking proper care of Martyn, not picking Lehmann until the end of his career, allowing MacGill to retire straight after Warne did, picking "spinners" when we don't have anyone of a decent standard, not having Voges/Christian/Khuwaja in the current team, making selections based on politics and how people fit in with the others rather than skill and merit, selecting Haddin instead of Ronchi when Gilchrist retired and subsequently **** him to move to New Zealand,...

The batting line-up should be: Katich & Watson, Ponting, Khawaja, Clarke, Voges, Christian, Ronchi!!!
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Khawaja*; and **** = f o r c I n g
--------------------------------------- added after 35 minutes

I may as well finish my team: Katich & Watson, Ponting, Khawaja, Clarke, Voges, Christian, Ronchi, Siddle, Pattinson, Hilfenhaus. 12th man: Hodge (only put him as 12th man because i'm not sure whether he'd be keen to play for them at all anymore (if he was open to the idea, i'd make Khawaja 12th man and put Hodge at No.4/2nd drop).
Voges to be a spinning all-rounder (ridiculous that one of the best bats in the country is not in the team) & Clarke and Katich too to bowl spin (when they're needed and their backs are up to it - many people that I know that are 'in the know' agree with me that, when Kat was playing and bowling, he was one of the top spin bowlers in Australia); Christian (the best all-rounder in the country) & Watson to be the medium-pace all-rounders.
By steve3095 at 12,Jul,13 13:16 other posts of steve3095 
Hard man to please. I didn't like the selections either but, who could have seen what Agar did. Hughes was superb keeping his head while the middle order collapsed around him. Cowan won't make that error again, he's technique should hold up in in English conditions. Anderson is just your typical pommy pie chucker. He knows the conditions and bowls to them.
I'm right on us now. Australia to win Trent Bridge and the Ashes.

By steve3095 at 10,Jul,13 12:49 other posts of steve3095 
2/97 at lunch. Need to get Trott. Peterson just gone before I finished the sentence. 3/102. England now a bit wobbly. Bell can't make runs against Australia. What do you think?

By #261704 at 30,Jun,13 04:08
I finally understand how all those girls i tried explaining sports to have felt all these years... eye opening
By #301038 at 02,Jul,13 09:32

who would know they are talking about cricket...
By #23212 at 06,Jul,13 04:41
People who know that if you get field goal when the bases are loaded, you cannot be called for icing.

By Trekkk at 03,Jul,13 09:39 other posts of Trekkk 
Think it will go England's way. Our bowlers are better than the Aussie batsmen can handle. And so if you don't score runs you will not win the match.

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