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Cum4Steffi: R U Familiar W/The Show "Catfish"? Well, It Happened To Me.

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Started by #164428 at 03,Aug,13 07:33
And I feel like such an idiot. Mostly, I'm hurting.

For two years, I believed this idiot online. He promised me a future, even marriage. And it was all a lie.

And it was someone I initially met here two years ago. (He left soon after I joined. I won't say who it is.)

Why are some people such lowlife assholes? My only "crime" is being sick and lonely and wanting to find love again.

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New Comment

By Sickboy at 03,Aug,13 17:50 other posts of Sickboy 
I feel for you Steffi, just remember are loved world wide
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

You were kind to me when I first joined, for this I thank you, I know we don't chat much but I do think of you.

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