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Can we get a new king?(or a queen like cum4steffi)

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Started by #263218 at 04,Jun,12 00:10
This king got to go! Id rather a person that actually has a page,pics and commuicates, this douch just likes to dominate u whn he doesnt like you i know im starting shit AGAIN but id rather have a queen (cum4steffi) than a egomaniac. I hope admin takes this under advisement thanks

Similar topics: 1.KING and QUEEN of the site   2.Who thinks the "king" should b voted in by registered members   3.Should their be a seperate "domination king" and a "syd king"   4.Is Cum4steffi loved all around the world?   5.King and queen  

New Comment

By #199530 at 04,Jun,12 07:48
move to another site or stop whining, monted is not "king" of the site, he's the OWNER

don't like it? you can look for another site, but stop fucking crying about it

plus the dominating game is stupid so who the fuck care who's the king??

even if admin and monted weren't the same person, why the fuck would admin want to change the king just because a stupid like you asked for it
By #233076 at 04,Jun,12 08:39
Monted is not the owner of the site, and is not the same person as Admin. As for Monted being the king, there's not much to do about it exept make yourself someone elses submissive, which probably in the end won't matter either. I agree on the fact that people should just suck it up. It'll be this way wether you like it or not.
By #199530 at 05,Jun,12 02:09
I'm sorry but he is, he is the guy that started this site, he made it and he owns it
thats why every new user that subscribes is automatically his submissive

but you're right, its not gonna change, they should just suck it up, cause even if he wasn't, why would admin want to change him?
By #164428 at 05,Jun,12 03:04
So many have the two confused, Honey. Admin is a guy not in the US. He started and maintains the site. Monted is a guy in the US; he is the king of the site as he is at the top of the domination game. They're two individuals. There's a guy who even thinks that I and Monted and Admin are all the same person!lol
By #199530 at 05,Jun,12 03:33
lol, I have no idea why would anyone think YOU are too, but admin and mounted ARE the same person, the one who started and maintains the site
By admin at 05,Jun,12 17:40 other posts of admin 
I'm not monted. However I would not waste my time proving you that.

By #202354 at 04,Jun,12 14:30
I think if everybody just concentrated on posting pictures of dicks (remember, the name of the site is "Show Your Dick") everybody would be a lot happier.

By #59855 at 04,Jun,12 04:36
From Matt's Wife: Monty is awesome!!!!

Adult Discussion Forum