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Enjoy masturbating more as you get older?

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Started by #4825 at 21,Aug,13 14:48
When I was younger I used to wank mainly as an alternative to sex. As I get older I'm enjoying masturbation more and more on it's own - often spending a couple hours at a time. I love the sensations I can create in my cock. I can also bring myself to more incredible orgasms that way. Is anyone else having the same experience?

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By #201155 at 22,Aug,13 06:55
Yes, definitely. I think it's almost a form of art – perhaps that's why I love filming myself doing it, and posting the results here on SYD. I just wish it could be a sort of display sport!

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By #4825 at 22,Aug,13 14:40
Great idea! I'd love to see clubs you could join to masturbate with other guys
By #201155 at 23,Aug,13 08:43
Sign me up!

By #409321 at 26,Aug,13 22:45
I go to a sauna in London , i feely masturbate with other guys while in the small cinema area
By #201155 at 27,Aug,13 12:06
That sounds good. I'd like to try that
By #356482 at 27,Aug,13 17:40
Wonderful video. Slow wanking and eruption. So good I felt every shoot. Wanking club/sauna would be fantastic.
By #201155 at 28,Aug,13 07:17
It was one of my best orgasms ever. I had been away on a business trip for several days, with no chance to masturbate. The morning after I got home I had a long and leisurely bath, shaving off all my pubic hair and fingering my ass, so by the time I finally allowed myself to orgasm it was an almost tantric experience. Needless to say, I try and repeat the exercise whenever I can, but it's rarely this good!
By #4825 at 28,Aug,13 14:34
I was away visiting family once and couldn't masturbate for six days. The entire flight home was a non-stop sexual fantasy with me discreetly trying to rub my cock. When I got home I came so hard while masturbating that my cum landed on my face
By #201155 at 28,Aug,13 16:02
That has happened to me a few times, but not for a while now, sadly. To get that experience I have to lie up against a wall to support my waist and direct my cum down onto my mouth. I love the feeling of those warm splashes!

By #4825 at 27,Aug,13 19:41
Now I wish I lived in London!
By #201155 at 28,Aug,13 07:17
I wish you did, too

By #157044 at 28,Aug,13 09:47
Hi - which sauna do you go to?

By #164428 at 28,Aug,13 07:40
So hot, Baby!!!!!!! God, I want you!!!!!
By #201155 at 28,Aug,13 11:31

By #157044 at 28,Aug,13 09:51
I too spend a couple of hours masturbating -great sensations all the way and some breathtaking long'lasting orgasms - at 60+ orgasm just gets better and better! Watch me at work!
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By #220845 at 25,Aug,13 16:53
I'm53 now, iI've loved doing it sinceI was a young boy

By #289712 at 25,Aug,13 12:19
A lot of the time I would have to agree. although myself and my girlfriend have heaps of great sex, we know ourselves best, what we like and how to do it best. The best orgasms of my life have been on my own, watching porn and taking care of business. As a matter of fact I'm going to have a smoke then come back and sort it out..

By #265525 at 22,Aug,13 16:42
it a lot better now, I can edge for days without so much as a wet dream or any sort of ejaculation and the sensations are a lot bigger and more intense now that im older.

By #147052 at 22,Aug,13 14:41
Why yes, of course.

By Odin_york_pa at 21,Aug,13 22:51 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
I do enjoy it more now the older I get. When you're young, you do not have much control of the situation, when it was time to cum you just let it fly. The older I got the more I discovered how to hold back(edging) for a far more intense orgasm and much more intense feeling while jerking. The only thing I really miss is the dry orgasms, the ones before I could cum. Those were the best ones of them all and remember them feeling even better than today's wet ones. Maybe because the feeling was new?

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