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Bi or straigth?

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Started by #427539 at 04,Sep,13 12:39
Do women prefer to marry straight guys or bi guys? I asked my wife and she say that most women would like the husband to be bi. Because bi mem usually share their friends cocks with wives. Instead straight guys are allways jealous and wont let them fuck anyone else. , is she rigth?

Similar topics: 1.anal stimulation   2.Do straight guys like cocks.?  

New Comment

By #316255 at 04,Sep,13 13:28
Usually, when a woman embarks on a marriage she doesn't do it with a mindset that includes who else she is going to get to fuck while married. Therefore it doesn't freaking matter. FFS, what is wrong with you? I doubt you're married. I doubt you're even out of MS. Incidentally, it is spelled STRAIGHT.
By #427539 at 04,Sep,13 15:09
I am happily married. My wife knew i was bi when we married. And she did not mind at all actually that was one ofmthe main reason she married me, she thinks that when a guy is not afraid of taking a cock in his butt or sucking it he is a real man , she thinks if women can do it why not a man?
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

My wife is bi olso. I forgat to,mention this
By #316255 at 04,Sep,13 19:05
So, your wife doesn't think that men who won't suck cock it take cock up the arse are real men? What does she think they are? Clowns? Barbie dolls?
By #427539 at 04,Sep,13 19:08
She thinks they are afraid to lose their masculinity if they suck a cock or take one in butt
By #316255 at 04,Sep,13 22:26
Some 'real men' don't have the inclination to be sexual with other men. Your wife is an idiot to think otherwise. Apologies to all nice idiots out there in cyber land.
By bigone21 at 06,Sep,13 21:28 other posts of bigone21 
I hope this doesn't incline that the men that do (have the inclination te be sexual with other men) are in your opinion "less" of a man..! If so: time to burn some 20 points at a new thread!!
By #316255 at 06,Sep,13 21:41
Nope. Just pointing out that, as odd as it may seem on SYD, there are some men who are 'real men' (a label the asinine OP seems to enjoy bandying about, willy nilly) and don't need/want to have sex with other men. The whole idea is ridiculous. A man's sexual orientation has bugger all to do with what makes him a 'real man'.
By bigone21 at 06,Sep,13 22:05 other posts of bigone21 
thanks for just THAT answer Emm!!

By #390248 at 07,Sep,13 14:18

By #427539 at 06,Sep,13 21:52
My wife had sex with lots men. Even the one that called themselves straigth. But she say bi guys fuck better because they know how a cock feels inside and they know how to use to pleasure a woman when they make love to her,, straight guys just fuck a woman to cumm and thats all they want to do
--------------------------------------- added after 41 seconds

Any guy that want to be a good love should take a cock first so he learns how to use his
By #316255 at 06,Sep,13 22:11
Are you saying your wife's an indiscriminate slapper?!
By #427539 at 07,Sep,13 12:05
No she is really piky on the guys she has sex with. They must be well hung. At least 8 inches or bigger. She got fucked by smaller cocks but she did not like them she did not cumm
By #390248 at 07,Sep,13 14:22
hmmmm...interesting, because elsewhere in the forum you state how little your cock is. Perhaps she can't get off with you either and that's the real reason she wants other men. You are just hand to have around to attract them for her. You must enjoy being your wife's dick magnet.

By bigone21 at 06,Sep,13 22:17 other posts of bigone21 
"My wife had sex with lots men. Even the one that called themselves straigth."

WOW!! Strange things going on..! But then, I'm biased, I've been too long on this forum! Then after some time you only know guys that call themselves "straight", and it happens to mean: I want to suck cock!

Glad there are some straight/straight/straight guys around!

Are those the ones you suck before further action so they can give it to the two (or three) of you a little longer? The 13 inches guys?

By #427539 at 07,Sep,13 12:06
We only know one guy with 13 inches. The other ones are all from 7 to 10 inches
By bigone21 at 07,Sep,13 21:47 other posts of bigone21 
i know a guy that has 13 inches in his trousers!! great!! and not only one but TWO times! would you believe that!??

it's his legs, he's a midget!

his cock is only 12 inches...

By Rose at 04,Sep,13 13:05 other posts of Rose 
I wouldn't care if my husband was straight or bi, as long as he lets me fuck my father-in-law, my bro ther-in-law, his cousins, the neighbors, etc.
By #427539 at 04,Sep,13 14:11
Whaoo you sound like a really hot woman. Nice.
By #415959 at 04,Sep,13 14:19
Vaaaroovvmmm...over the head like an F-14.
By #201583 at 04,Sep,13 22:57
Talk to me Goose.

By #201583 at 04,Sep,13 23:18

By #390248 at 07,Sep,13 14:23
sarcasm is lost on the gentleman.

By #427539 at 04,Sep,13 14:13
My wife only wants to fuck my friends if they have coks bigger than 8 inches
By bigone21 at 04,Sep,13 20:07 other posts of bigone21 
that's about 3% of your friends... hope you have 33 friends, so your wife is lucky 1 time!! haha!
By #427539 at 04,Sep,13 20:45
Lol i have 6 friends with cocks over 8 inches and one of them has 13 inches
By bigone21 at 04,Sep,13 21:46 other posts of bigone21 
glad for you have (statistically) over 200 friends up to have 6 of them in the 8 inch department and (statistically) even MORE to have ONE in the 13 inch department. the latter doesn't exist! your friends probably don't exist also...

but you could be living in another reality than this graph of course... want to share WHERE that is, it will be invaded with size-queens!! haha!!

By #427539 at 04,Sep,13 18:26
My wife only likes few of our friends. Not many guys have big cocks, most are under 7 inches
By bigone21 at 04,Sep,13 23:19 other posts of bigone21 
where have all 6 of them 8 inch and the 13 inch guys went??

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