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Account deleted while chatting

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Started by #424399 at 19,Sep,13 13:12
Yesterday I was chatting with a guy, everything was friendly and polite, then without warning his account dissapeared, I got something like "Account does not exist". Does it happens often?

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New Comment

By #415959 at 19,Sep,13 13:18
This member was most likely reported for breaching site guidelines.

That's my guess, or perhaps he had to make a sandwich or something.
By #303133 at 19,Sep,13 13:22
It sucks when you are deleted for making a sandwich!
By CreativeOne at 19,Sep,13 13:27 other posts of CreativeOne 
Too funny "JustWill" !

By #424399 at 19,Sep,13 13:26
I will stop making sandwiches then, I don't want to suffer the same fate!
By #217691 at 19,Sep,13 16:33
Depends who you are making the sandwich with. If Steffi and Arexa will make a sandwich out of me, that should be ok?
By #358797 at 20,Sep,13 05:15
I heard that. Who gets to be in the middle? Or would we all take turns? Lol.

By kon6838 at 19,Sep,13 13:30 other posts of kon6838 
I meet the opposite account die away same. Check have not falling too again.

Adult Discussion Forum