Recent Posts of member CreativeOne


*** How many pictures do you have on your page ? *** 25,Feb,23 10:58
***Write a little something on my Wall*** 09,Feb,23 10:33
What do wear... Or not ... When you're sleeping ? 28,Nov,21 12:33
Gifts on your page ... How many do you have saved up ? 14,Nov,21 11:28
"Are You Spamming" ? 24,May,21 05:13
Story Time ... Just add the next sentence 18,Sep,19 03:39
When did you First become a member here ??? 26,Aug,19 02:37
Post Your Favorite Picture ... 04,Apr,17 17:12
*** Most Commented Picture on your page *** 28,May,16 20:02
"Wiener Wednesday" 27,Apr,16 13:21
The New Emoticons ... which ones are your favorites ? 23,Mar,16 04:03
Selfie 18,Mar,15 05:27
"Check Out My Favorites" 18,Nov,14 13:10
"Blue Under-lined Words" 21,Apr,13 17:29
Do you consider yourself ... Small , Average or Well Endowed 21,Feb,13 00:49
Are You Having Fun Yet ? 22,Nov,12 14:22
Relationships ... How Many Have You Been In ?  19,Nov,12 01:26
SPORTS TEAM ... What Is Your Favorite Team ? 09,Nov,12 07:09
USERNAME - How did you come up with yours ? 27,Oct,12 19:55
Have You Ever Sneaked A Peak ? 20,Oct,12 06:59


By CreativeOne at 29,Jan,25 22:52
Love to hear the final part of the story...

By CreativeOne at 27,Jan,25 09:29
You are very welcome my friend

By CreativeOne at 21,Jan,25 01:56
Just stopped by your page... So glad I did. Very impressive

By CreativeOne at 14,Dec,24 22:15
Very cool story

By CreativeOne at 18,Jul,24 11:05
I absolutely love using the KIK app and if anyone here enjoys it as much as I do... Feel free to look me up.

My username is...


By CreativeOne at 19,Dec,23 03:10
Stay safe my friend

By CreativeOne at 14,Feb,23 00:37
Sounds like do much fun for both of us

By CreativeOne at 14,Feb,23 00:36
Hi to you too and bummer not getting a lot of free time lately.

By CreativeOne at 10,Feb,23 00:21
Hi to you too and always a real pleasure hearing from you. I'm doing great and keeping very busy as always. Never a dull day around here.

By CreativeOne at 06,Jan,23 10:10
Hi Sam... Rob the CreativeOne here and I see this thread is 10 years old now. wycowboy gave a really great reply resurfacing this again. Kudos to him and upon reading your question, curiosity got the best of me as to after all these years... What ended up happening. Did you in fact give your friend the awesome gift of enjoyment that you wanted to give him ? Hopefully yes and to this day do you two still have your guy time together? I mean strait or not. Every guy I'm sure has enjoyed the pleasure of at least dipping his own finger tip inside his own love tunnel for pleasure.

By CreativeOne at 23,Aug,22 00:34
You all need to check out an awesome HBO series called "Deadwood"

By CreativeOne at 11,Aug,22 01:54
Hopefully you messaged him somehow and hooked up

By CreativeOne at 09,Jul,22 10:28
Oh wow... Glad to see this is still here. I wrote this topic 11 years ago. Then I deleted my account and missed everyone so I came back.
Great reply stories everyone and feel free to message me anytime you want to. My name is Rob and it's a real pleasure to know each and every one of you. I've actually been a member here since July 2009.

By CreativeOne at 13,Jun,22 05:28
That truly is an awesome story and so glad you got to experience it with a new found friend.

By CreativeOne at 28,May,22 10:51
So sad and definitely a fantastic actor.

By CreativeOne at 16,Feb,22 04:59
You know how the old saying goes and it's so true too ... "If it feels good , just Do it" !!!

By CreativeOne at 26,Dec,21 14:28
It seems like when I was a boy to a pre teen ... My thing was always rather small. However that's what we all thought. Meaning that we always grew up thinking ours were too small but in reality we are mostly average size. Sure there are ones that are extremely tiny while some are hung really well.
Mine, when I was younger ... was the size of my index finger now. Now mine has grown to just shy of 7 inches when it's hard.

By CreativeOne at 04,Dec,21 22:13
I actually found this site totally by mistake and I first started here ... July 2009 . Nevertheless I am so glad I found it because this site truly is the Best of its kind.

By CreativeOne at 17,Nov,21 22:46
GROWER... Check out my page ... You'll see.

By CreativeOne at 16,Nov,21 01:44
I just stopped by your page and Sooooooooo glad I did. Very nice looking package you have there and Fantastic Blogs too

By CreativeOne at 14,Nov,21 12:23
Thank you my friend and likewise

By CreativeOne at 14,Nov,21 12:22
That's Funny ... I forgot I did that thread 9 years ago .

By CreativeOne at 31,Oct,21 16:27
Great Bucket List item . I sure hope that you did in fact get to have the pleasure of fulfilling your dream of sucking on another guy's dick. It sure is the greatest thing ever.
Oh and you are so right about that ... it really is a bummer that it seems like Everyone that lives nearby won't give us the time of day and the ones that don't live close , want everything to do with us . Go figure . The story of my life . 🙁

By CreativeOne at 31,Oct,21 14:04
You are so right about that one my friend. Sadly it seems that the ones that do in fact live Far away want everything I have to offer and visa-versa . However the ones that do live close by ... Won't even give me the time of day. So sad because I have a lot to offer and then some !!!

By CreativeOne at 24,Oct,21 12:34
Well, I just stopped by your page and see you only have one picture posted. So the skies the limit.
Here are a few suggestions if you want to know what to post ... Outdoor pictures are always great . Pictures of yourself Soft, Medium and Hard are nice to see some variety. Lastly ... Pictures of your behind are always Fun to see .

By CreativeOne at 13,Jul,21 08:40
Definitely Smooth... Just looks and feels Sooooooooo much better

By CreativeOne at 02,Jun,21 13:51
I guess Admin doesn't want Anybody to comment on anyone's page or pictures anymore. It is what it is ... I'm Out of here!!!

By CreativeOne at 02,Jun,21 13:47
WTF... 6 are you spamming messages in a row . I just wrote on 6 new members walls... Or rather tried to and all new stuff too. I guess I'm now Banned from writing on anyone's walls now .
This is getting to be a bit toooooooooooo much . Again "What the Fuckin Fuck"

By CreativeOne at 24,May,21 07:59
Thank you for your reply my friend and I really hope this gets resolved very quickly ! It really gets frustrating when you put your heart and soul in a nice welcoming message only to see it will never be seen .

By CreativeOne at 24,May,21 07:50
It worked once or twice ... But apparently if you repeat yourself in anyway you will get that message. I guess it's a burden that all of us that have been here since the beginning almost... Won't be able to comment anymore. The sad truth is that there is just so much we can say that to a computer will see it as the same thing. Even though it's not spamming ... Big Brother sees it that way. I miss welcoming new members and writing on friends walls . I guess we have to face the fact that even this site has been taken over by the eye of computer technology and taking over... Just Like Facebook !

By CreativeOne at 24,May,21 06:11
Exactly... I was hoping to find a "No" button. Glad to know it's not just me . I've been a member here since July 2009 and never had this happen until about 3 weeks ago. I think I'm banned from writing on anyone's wall.
Oh well ... it was Fun while it lasted.
For the record I always write Nothing but positive comments on everyone's pictures that I see fitting for a comment.

By CreativeOne at 30,Jan,21 23:33
"LEGS" ... Help Spread The Word !!!

By CreativeOne at 24,Jan,21 06:55
Hi to you too and feel free to stop by my page anytime you want to and by the way you have a really nice looking package

By CreativeOne at 07,Jan,21 06:01
Dear President Trump,
I want to take a minute to say thank you. Regardless of the outcome of this election, you deserve my gratitude. Thank you for not plunging the US into another war. Thank you for walking through HELL and back for the American people. Thank you for doing it for free. Thank you for working through the night while my family was tucked safely in bed. Thank you for standing strong and staring adversity in the face. Thank you for keeping GOD in the country I love. Thank you for not backing down when the weight of the world was against you. Thank you for putting your family in the line of fire when you didn’t have to. Thank you for standing up for women. Thank you for not being a politician. Thank you for being raw and even sometimes too much. Thank you for standing up for the unborn. Thank you for caring about the little guy. Thank you for working harder than any president in my lifetime, ever has. Thank you for your service to this country. You were part of some of the greatest days of my life. Thank you. Win or lose I am a fan. You have fulfilled every promise you have made to me and for that I am thankful. May GOD always bless you and your family.
From a grateful nation,
Thank you! 🇺🇸

By CreativeOne at 11,Aug,20 07:04
Oh yes... Most definitely and she is Ok with it. We've been together for 26 years now and also I am a nudist so she knows I enjoy showing myself off. This site is just the best one out there. I mean ... I've actually been a member here since July 2009. At first she was a bit leery about me showing off my thing to everyone here but over time she realized that it is what I enjoy doing.
Lucky me ... Besides I'm not on the make for anyone here . Im just here to share my pics to whoever wants to see and enjoy what they see. I'm really Honored that most of the friends I've made here enjoy my pictures as much as I enjoy sharing them here.

By CreativeOne at 16,Apr,20 14:33
Sooooooooooooo much Fun

By CreativeOne at 11,Apr,20 05:15
I always sl33p in the Nude and all year round . In fact I've done it that way ever since I was a kid

By CreativeOne at 23,Mar,20 15:07
Very nice

By CreativeOne at 21,Dec,19 22:07
[deleted image]

By CreativeOne at 21,Dec,19 22:01
[deleted image]

By CreativeOne at 21,Dec,19 22:00
[deleted image]

By CreativeOne at 21,Dec,19 21:56
[deleted image]

By CreativeOne at 21,Dec,19 21:53
[deleted image]

By CreativeOne at 21,Dec,19 21:48

By CreativeOne at 21,Dec,19 21:39
[deleted image]

Anything is fine with me

By CreativeOne at 21,Dec,19 21:18
She's got legs
She knows how to use them
She never begs
She knows how to choose them

She's holdin' legs
Wonderin' how to feel them
Would you get behind them?
If you could only find them

She's my baby
She's my baby

Yeah, it's alright
It's alright
It's alright

She's got hair
Down to her fanny
She's kinda jet set
Try undo her panties

Every time she's dancin'
She knows what to do
Everybody wants to see
To see if she can use it

She's so fine
She's all mine

Girl, you got it right
So right
You got it right


She's got legs
She knows how to use them
She never begs
She knows how to choose them

She's got a dime
All of the time
Stays out at night movin'
Through time

Oh, I want her
So, I got to have her

That girl's alright
She's alright
She's alright
Right, right, right, girl
Baby, alright


By CreativeOne at 21,Dec,19 21:15
Mmmmmmmm... Very nice

By CreativeOne at 26,Nov,19 08:30
Wait a minute ... What ?
Really ?
Cut and Uncut simply means... Circumcised or Uncircumcised... Nothing at all do do with being Strait or Gay !!!

By CreativeOne at 18,Sep,19 13:18

By CreativeOne at 18,Sep,19 03:40
It all started when I started pulling down his pants .