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How long to rub one out?

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Started by #136427 at 30,Nov,13 20:41
It takes me forever to rub one out! I also need lots of stimulation. Anything to heighten the senses is good. porn, dirty lady pantys, maybe a vibrator, rubber pussy and it still takes over an hour. however, when I pop, I pop! i can shoot a load clear to the ceiling, across the bed! Mkst of the time in the moment I aim for my own face, only to change my mind as the liquid shoots. Well last night I was so hot, and bothered I let a load rip and it went straight into my open mouth! Then I was like ugg, why did I do that, im all covered in cum! Well ot felt good at the time...

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By #557060 at 08,Dec,18 21:12
Usually, i try to really deplete my "reserves" in an effort to not feel aroused for longer periods, so i take some time, jack off for two to three hours straight. It's a half-decent solution for my libido, since i don't get to have as much sex as i need.

By #64328 at 08,Dec,18 16:26
I've edged for several hours...but I can bust a quick one out in a minute if I need to.

By Odin_york_pa at 01,Dec,13 02:20 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
I like to take my time when rubbing one out. A good hour or so is the perfect time, sometimes 2. And like you, when I shoot...I shoot! I can do it in a few short minutes if I want to but am often left unsatisfied with the orgasm and only wish I had waited till I had more time.
By #157044 at 03,Dec,13 21:21
I agree with you entirely - masturbation is to be savoured not rushed. And after a couple of hours my final orgasm is truly great - goes on and on.

By #463848 at 07,Dec,18 08:23
I agree, though when edging, I do sometimes let a bit of spunk flow without the orgasm thrill. That allows me to edge for longer (and also get some free lube in the process).

By leopoldij at 04,Jul,14 10:16 other posts of leopoldij 
this is why i prefer to be masturbated by someone else, then it takes less.

By #95089 at 04,Jul,14 05:49
Well.....when I am having fun on cam, I can hold it for a few hours (I like the feeling of edging). But when real, ......I get there much faster, down to 5 minutes if really aroused!!

By #136427 at 02,Jul,14 12:18
About an hour unless there is a dildo involved them 5 minutes...

By Frenum at 05,Dec,13 06:47 other posts of Frenum 
When really turned on 2 minutes then 5 minutes to clean up

By #289712 at 02,Dec,13 15:31
If I wanna just get on with it, I can masturbate and cum in 5-10, other times I wanna enjoy it, ill go on and off for an hour or so, then drive it home! Much like tonight. Im just about to sign off and step it up. By the way its feeling, its gonna be a big, strong orgasm. Lots of cum. See ya!

By skot at 01,Dec,13 00:19 other posts of skot 
If I've been surfing this site then I can cum within minutes however I find it much more fun to prolong the end shot so I can draw it out up to an hour. Generally though if time is short I'll finish within 10 mins, especially if I'm not alone in the house

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