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Best friend sucking

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Started by Papamike at 25,Dec,13 10:54  other posts of Papamike
I have never sucked a cock. I want to so bad. I have two guy friends that I want too. So baddddddd. I have a gf but how can I suck them. Advice on breaking the ice.

Similar topics: friend wants me.   2.wifes male friend   3.Sisters friend   4.Sucking my friend's dick in front of my girlfriend   5.Attracted to a friend  

New Comment

By #612667 at 14,Mar,20 14:18
Kik back watch bi porn with em let em se you have hard on im sure it will take direction you want i havnt run across a straight guy thats refused a blowie
By leopoldij at 18,Mar,20 14:02 other posts of leopoldij 
I am one of them. I don't want a blowie from a guy no matter how horny I am. Yes, I've watched porn with a guy, and yes he wanted to give me a bj. I couldn't do it. I'm not enjoying it the least. I need a woman.
By #612667 at 18,Mar,20 16:25
Thats all good everyone has different veiws on different things thats what makes us who we are 👍
By leopoldij at 18,Mar,20 19:40 other posts of leopoldij 
Exactly. I actually wish I could enjoy a bj from a man. My options would have been more. So, if you do, consider yourself lucky!

By #612988 at 14,Mar,20 14:46
I have sucked my best friend, ray, for 25 years. I like sucking cock good deep and swallow while on my knees. I host and am horny. I'm free 5 days a week for guys to use my warm mouth. I like to go to my knees when first meeting a new friend. I don't mind asking a guy if I can suck his cock.

By leopoldij at 14,Mar,20 13:39 other posts of leopoldij 
I have a best female friend and she sucks my cock and I lick her pussy. That's all we do. No fucking. Just this.

By #536019 at 14,Mar,20 12:37
If the subject of porn comes up, steer the conversation to the subject of straight guys getting off on bi and gay porn. See what sort of reaction they have to talk about m/m cocksucking. If they seem receptive, go with the admission that you'd like to try it "someday".

By WHATSUPDOC at 14,Mar,20 07:29 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 
Tough one. They probably know already if they are at all perceptive. If you really want to have sex with someone it's hard to hide it especially if you want to suck your friends off. But maybe they are sucking each other off and they are waiting for you to say something. They are shy to ask you so make the move.

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