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what looks better for u pierced cock or no piercing .

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Started by #446715 at 17,Jan,14 14:29
I have being pierced for along time now my parter likes it but to me some people have to many for my parter the more the better what u think

Similar topics: 1.cock piercing advice!   2.Price Albert Cock Piercing   3.cock piercing or not?   4.Pierced Cock   5.Frenum piercing  

New Comment

By JeffinKS at 30,Dec,14 12:43 other posts of JeffinKS 
I have to say no to piercings. Personally I do not find it attractive. Some piercings look down right painful, especially the ones involving the Glans. I love oral sex and have turned down men just because they have a PA.. last thing I need is to get carried away and crack my teeth. I also find it interesting that it seems to me that the majority of men that have piercings on the penis and Glans are circumcised. Now I am not wanting to start a flame war by using that word. I think you all know how I feel about the subject. But the number one reason I am given for having a genital piercing is for increased sensitivity. could this be why more circumcised guys have piercings? or is it just cultural bias because I live in the USA where almost all boys are circumcised? Even here on this site with men from all parts of the globe, it seems the majority of men with piercings are circumcised. what are your thoughts?
By #94263 at 01,Jan,15 12:08
I think the circumcision issue is more to do with country bias. Here in the UK most guys are uncircumcised and yet there is still a high percentage of pierced men here (me being one of them).
I think wanting more sensation is what most men want whether they are circumcised or not.

By #473985 at 16,Oct,14 18:34
I am pierced and ALL of my partners LOVE the feeling of my PA while we are fucking. I cannot imagine the there could ever be too many piercings. The more there are, the more feeling and sensation there is while fucking.

By #121361 at 13,Oct,14 05:09
The Girls love my pierced Cock Good for sucking and fucking ! [deleted image]

By bigone21 at 11,Oct,14 22:26 other posts of bigone21 
one good statement is better than a dick full of comments!
By #23212 at 12,Oct,14 07:50
I hope you realize that, including the title here, you are the ONLY one who has posted a statement that has no spelling and grammar errors! Well done!
By bigone21 at 12,Oct,14 22:19 other posts of bigone21 
haha! your funy sinanFF51! won wright sentens end eye gett compliementet!!

By #43515 at 12,Oct,14 19:23
I am also pierced. Enjoy it . Just have 4 both nipples, cock [frenum] and balls.

By Ray10754 at 17,Jan,14 14:58 other posts of Ray10754 
I am also pierced and enjoy it emencly.My oppinion is that a few correctly placed piercings is a lot more pleasing than someone that is heavly pierced.
Not saying that it is wrong just not my preferance to be heavly pierced

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