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how to finger or eat pussy?

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Started by #218876 at 30,Jan,14 15:56
how to finger or eat pussy? any special tips or ideas

Similar topics: 1.Sticking your finger up her ass as you fuck   2.tihgt pussy   3.Dick Size Predictor   4.Want to know that you're jerking off because of me   5.I want to finger and eat a pussy!  

New Comment

By #301038 at 02,Feb,14 11:17
There are no simple answer. LMGTFY
By #218876 at 23,Mar,14 07:40
nice breasts peach

By #449110 at 12,Feb,14 00:35
I've got three free online videos for you to do a yahoo search for:

1)Jacky Joy teaches how a guy should finger a girl.

2)Sexy s1ster teaches her br0ther how to make a girl cum.

There is a 3rd one too but i will send that too you in a pm because they won't let me post links on the forum and it's too hard to find doing a search.
By #218876 at 12,Feb,14 13:23
super thanks mate

By #376736 at 03,Feb,14 14:06
By #218876 at 05,Feb,14 10:31

By thermal at 04,Feb,14 10:45 other posts of thermal 
Very tenderly and gently. Try rolling your tongue around her clit as though you were describing letters of the alphabet - work on my wife!

By #57759 at 02,Feb,14 16:33
I personally luv to eat pussy and finger her when I am sucking her nipples
By #218876 at 04,Feb,14 08:41

By #136427 at 02,Feb,14 03:45
Cum in it first

By #218130 at 31,Jan,14 19:13
Eet hom soos n mielie, dat die hare in jou tande sit....
By bella! at 01,Feb,14 04:44 other posts of bella! 
Do you have sun stroke or is it the medication issue? That's not engrish!

By #68656 at 30,Jan,14 17:06
When the neighbour`s pussy cat came under the fence when it was a kitten my dogs chased it and bit it on the foot but did not eat it.
Maybe you could try the same.
By #218876 at 01,Feb,14 00:04
U r genius

By #435701 at 30,Jan,14 20:40
Ask her how she likes it.

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