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Cock accident

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Started by #4650 at 31,Dec,09 07:32
Have u ever had experience about that?

When i was at primary or junior high school, i forget,my friend suddenly touched my cock for fun at school bus. Dont know why my cock got really hard. On the way to my home, my cock was getting harder. Thats really really hurt me. When i arrived home, i opened my underwear directly. I was a bit shock at that time, my foreskin was rolled. Thats the first time for me to see my headcock which was still very sensitive. It's really red n throbed. But now thats not a problem anymore(mine's still uncut)

How about u,guys?any cock accident?with d zipper, got punch, kick, pinch or something like that.
What did u feel n do at that time?

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By iluvcox at 18,Nov,15 04:24 other posts of iluvcox 
Back when I was a sophmore in H.S. I was seeing a younger girl and she lived with her grandma.We were sitting on the couch and she was sucking my cock and I saw her grandma's reflection on the sliding door, walking up to the porch.I threw her head back and ZIPPED up furiously and in the process I zipped a piece of my mushroom .It hurt like a son of a bitch but I managed to keep cool until I could free the skin.We were a little more careful after that.

By #495558 at 09,Nov,15 18:04
I believe you need to watch "There's Something About Mary"..... there is a lesson in the movie for you
By iowaguy at 16,Nov,15 23:15 other posts of iowaguy 
How the hell did he get the beans above the frank?

By #486048 at 16,Nov,15 22:56
I got my cock trapped in my zip.with foreskin.

By #181785 at 13,Nov,15 02:49
Got caught in my zipper a couple of times, without foreskin.

By Odin_york_pa at 10,Nov,15 03:28 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
I played sports year round and martial arts since I was 6...I've had my share of shots in the balls lol. Nothing as tramatic as getting it stuck somewhere. But I am circumcised, so I guess you can consider that pretty intense

By #455846 at 09,Nov,15 15:55
got my penis caught in the 'bow tie' of my speedo after swimming, and in a bit of shock had to get the fem teacher to help me get it untied . I was about seven, (years old) at the time and it was probably only about 2 1/2 inches erect , but as I remeber the teacher was quite a looker and I already had a semi If not a little more !

By #33070 at 24,Jan,10 12:23
Only once was the skin caught in the zipper and scared it
By slipper at 26,Jan,10 01:47 other posts of slipper 
scared it... so it never showed it's head again? Or, maybe scarred it? (sorry, had to ask!)

By slipper at 26,Jan,10 01:45 other posts of slipper 
When I was three or four I got my foreskin caught in the gears of a friction motor of a small toy car. My mom said I hollered like hell while she backed it out. Well, I suppose!!!

By #6568 at 24,Jan,10 16:58
Yes, I have caught my foreskin in my zip! only do it once! This is about the only disadvantage of having a foreskin.

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