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Accidental emparasmends

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Started by Greek18cm at 26,Nov,16 14:52  other posts of Greek18cm
Well did you ever, by accident, your cousin/neighbor etc cought yoy musterbate or... Also accidental they saw or toucth your cock?

What is the aftereards actions.
I mean how you sit down in the same table to it or drink a coffee.

Similar topics: 1.Exposing Yourself " accidentaly"   2.Accidental sexual encounter   3.Accidentally posted your cock to the wrong site?   4.accidental conception...to have an abortion or not???   5.Exposing in Public  

New Comment

By Lvphose at 13,Feb,22 23:59 other posts of Lvphose 
As my sexuality was developing and became aware of it I had 3 girl cousins. 1) older my brothers age, 2) my age 3) younger. There was a get together at their house and the cousin my age & a neighbor gal also our age was there. Without though I got an erection regarding my cousins friend. Those with dicks know they have a mind of her own. The first time just visual created an erection in me! I’m pretty sure my cousin and her friend who was the genesis of my hard on noticed it too in my summer shorts! Damn I’d the to have sexual play with them!

By leopoldij at 27,Nov,16 12:55 other posts of leopoldij 
I've been seen by my Asian fuck buddys friend. I was in her apartment waiting for her. I was touching myself. Her roommate saw me. I didn't see her. Several days layer she mentioned it. To make a long story short, i managed to turn it to my advantage. She gave me a nice handjob. Photo is on my page.

Adult Discussion Forum