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Stripper said I had a 'nice cock'...

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Started by #182635 at 22,Feb,14 11:35
Honestly, still drunk and just wanted to celebrate that.

Similar topics: 1.Cum in my Ass, or my Mouth ?   2.Ever see your current gym trainer nude ? Nice big cock ?   3.HELP! Are you good with words in the bedroom?   4.SEMI CUT DICK & showing it to the public   5.What I like  

New Comment

By slipper at 28,Feb,14 05:39 other posts of slipper 
Well, he would wouldn't he!

By #448734 at 22,Feb,14 13:23
She pulled it out or did you?
By spermkiss at 22,Feb,14 17:09 other posts of spermkiss 
How do you know the stripper was a "she"? 'Just askin'.
By #448734 at 22,Feb,14 21:45
I don't but the person who posted it is I just assumed.
By spermkiss at 25,Feb,14 03:41 other posts of spermkiss 
Your point is well taken. But you might be surprised at the number of men who self identify as straight, but like to take a walk on the wild side. They're "straight" but not "narrow".

The truth is, ALL GUYS, not just gay and bi guys, like to look at other guys' dicks. Looking at other guys' dicks is a guy thing, not a gay thing.

By *kmadeau* at 24,Feb,14 17:31 other posts of *kmadeau* 
nice Yeah, but horse Not

By DJS at 24,Feb,14 11:40 other posts of DJS 
Well if you put the cash in the pot your bound to get a compliment mostly..

Adult Discussion Forum