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After i cum..

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Started by Bguy90 at 07,Mar,14 20:45  other posts of Bguy90
When I'm horny I really think cock is super sexy and I feel like I would do anything with a guy but the other day I was with this guy and we were sucking each other and then I cummed. But after I cummed I felt completely straight and wanted to stop sucking him. Why is it that I feel gay until I cum?? Help please!

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By spermkiss at 07,Mar,14 21:34 other posts of spermkiss 
It's not just that you don't feel gay anymore right after you've climaxed, it's more that you don't feel in any way sexual right after you climax.

I don't know if you're familiar with Dan Savage and his sex advice column (which you can read on-line at, but he addressed this very question in his column of January 22. I quote from his column: "A man's body releases the hormone prolactin when he comes. That particular hormone makes a man sleepy, it makes his boner deflate, and it temporarily renders him indifferent to and/or repulsed by sex. So something that sounded hot right before you came -- eating your own come out of the wife's pussy [or in your case, continuing to suck your guy's cock and take his load] -- is going to be much less appealing right after you come."

I hope this information is useful. And check out Savage Love.
By #291618 at 07,Mar,14 21:56
True I already knew this Its nice to know people actually read about sex themes instead of just watching porn and thinking thats the same as real sex
So to you spermkiss

By Bguy90 at 07,Mar,14 22:51 other posts of Bguy90 
Thank you;!!!!

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