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looking for a man for a mmf in the jax florida area.

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Started by #409402 at 17,Apr,14 12:28
So we have decided to bring someone in with us. We have a few rules that must be followed tho. Protection is a must!! Don't try to skip that one or nothing will happen. The guy we choose needs to be decent looking and half ass in shape. Don't want a big fatty. Lol also his dick must be at least 6" girth and 8" long. We both want to enjoy bigger. Well he wants to see me enjoy bigger. We will meet in public first and talk over the phone several times. Let us know. 😊

Similar topics: 1.FLORIDA COCK   2.Florida Foreskin Fans   3.Any females in manatee or Sarasota Florida area???   4.Anyone from West Tennessee?   5.Any ladies around Florida,Georgia,Alabama tri state area  

New Comment

By slipper at 17,May,14 02:51 other posts of slipper 
In reality (not the Internet), the size requirement eliminates by far and away MOST guys. Good luck, though!!!

By leopoldij at 14,May,14 16:26 other posts of leopoldij 
Alright, I don't live in Florida but I'm ready to fly over to fuck and play. Please invite me!!!

By 170cal at 14,May,14 16:10 other posts of 170cal 
I wish I lived in Jacksonville....goddamn

By *kmadeau* at 14,May,14 12:08 other posts of *kmadeau* 
I'm just in JAX, but my wish is to fuck you both!

By #136427 at 14,May,14 11:45
I still cant understand why more people have not jumped all over this. Maybe next time im.visiting the folks ill look you up...

By #409402 at 11,May,14 13:33
No one interested?
By #136427 at 11,May,14 13:43
I dont know why, you look like a real fun time
--------------------------------------- added after 132 hours

If I was in the area, how are my.chances stacking uo?

By #136427 at 11,May,14 13:37
I would be but not in the area. So I can dream, what sort of services would I be required to perform?

Adult Discussion Forum