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teach me to self suck/fuck!!!!

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Started by #457600 at 21,Apr,14 23:16
does anybody know how to self suck or fuck and wanna help me learn how to are there any tricks or anything that make it easier? thanks for the help

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New Comment

By #453044 at 22,Apr,14 02:15
I was able to self suck years ago(until i got fat).I always got against a wall with my legs and back up the wall. Bend over and try to hook your feet under the bed or other furniture. I could only get my head in my mouth but it was great. I was amazed at hot smooth it was,and i miss it.
By botanic at 22,Apr,14 14:47 other posts of botanic 
I am intrigued but can explain this better ?

By #181785 at 22,Apr,14 03:59
Do lots of stretching. Lay on your back, roll your legs up over your head as far as you can. Keep doing it til your flexible enough to get your cock in your mouth. If you are over weight this will be harder to do. As I'm proof, when I was thinner and more flexible I could take all 6 inches of myself. God that was fun. Best blow job you will ever get.

By pifad at 22,Apr,14 03:28 other posts of pifad 
When I was younger I could get my head in my mouth and half of my cock in my ass to the point of cumming. These days I can only get the head of my cock in my ass.

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