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Started by #446864 at 23,Apr,14 07:34
When you first imagined what a cock look like before you ever saw one what did it look like to you? Was it huge? was it completely straight and no curves? Was the first penis you saw in person better than you imagined or a disappointment?

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New Comment

By #11431 at 23,Apr,14 10:02
When I saw my first , which was when I was nearly 18 , it was much bigger and more ugly than I imagined ( though I later realised it was small to average ! ) . I had fantasised over something more akin to a cigar tube than the knotty reality of my first cock. But then there was no interenet or mags showing the erect penis in my youth. Nevertheless with a bit of encouragement I took this cock in my mouth and sucked it rather unskillfully and 10 minutes later was being fucked for the first time. All in all the whole business was a total anticlimax ( and no I didnt cum ! ). But the guy thought he was making a great job of it .
By bella! at 23,Apr,14 14:04 other posts of bella! 
By *kmadeau* at 23,Apr,14 14:19 other posts of *kmadeau* 
and what about you, Darling?
By #11431 at 06,May,14 16:17
I have no idea whether I was making a good job of it or not , having nothing to compare my performance with , but it didnt seem to bother the guy who appeared to be enjoying himself with or without my input !
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

I have to say the next cock I saw ( and had in my hand ) was not very pretty either .. it was one of those purplish ones , very veiny , with an overlong foreskin even when erect , and bent to one side . It belonged to a guy about 30 years my senior , again another fast and furious type who did a lot of grunting if I recall correctly , and lost interest once he had cum about 3 mins later !
By #455846 at 06,May,14 16:56
omg it sounds surprising you ever got to enjoy it, if thats possible :/
By #11431 at 06,May,14 21:12
Well it got better in time, when I got a bit of confidence and wasnt so desperate to accept every dick that came along !

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