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Started by shavedsmoothbud at 03,Jan,10 21:48  other posts of shavedsmoothbud
It's too bad there isn't a way to meet other members from this web site since the numerous great photos and the ease to communicate with each other is superior to most other dating sites.

Similar topics: 1.meeting up with others   2.Meeting others from this site   3.Meeting Up For Sex places to find locals interested in fooling around?   5.Meeting  

New Comment

By admin at 03,Jan,10 23:14 other posts of admin 
You can search by country, you can comunicate free of charge with anyone, so what else do you need? That I take your hand and guide you to another members home???

Ask members near your location if they want to meet and that's it. As far as I know several members have already met. Gay mostly, indeed.

I used dating sites myself before and it was most frustrating that I could not communicate with other members without paying on sites like AFF and after I paid it was a waste. So I decided that on this site communication will always be free of charge.

This is actually all is needed - look up members near your location and contact them via private messaging system, see if they want to meet you. And I even made this section /sexlocations/ for those who explicitly looking for this. Indeed, do not expect to find many women there, women are discrete about such things.

Also, you should understand, that in the core this is not a dating site, most of people here consider it a place to exhibit themselves, get some exitement from sex conversations, but not to meet anyone. Many prefer to hide their real identities as they may be embarrassed in real life if their activities here came out. So a number of the members you can really meet is quite limited.

Adult Discussion Forum