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Guessing game for fun

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Started by stl06 at 08,Jun,14 09:55  other posts of stl06
Hey just a bit bored so figured id try something new here. Based on my pics can you guess the length and girth of my cock. Not looking for compliments or extra views just if you wanna take a guess curious to see how people estimate. I have gotten a wide range of estimates from partners and people viewing my pics so take a shot. Ill either add my measurements here later after some guesses or can pm you too. You can pm me guesses too if youd rather not leave em here just doing this for fun so doesnt matter to me

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New Comment

By #444014 at 09,Jun,14 18:21
Once a topic is posted in the forum,anyone can comment on it.If you don't like the responses you may receive,you should think before posting a question that has been asked countless times. Just saying...
By stl06 at 10,Jun,14 05:50 other posts of stl06 
I agree im not upset with any comments just figured I should answer back to the responses that are given countless times too. Thats allowed too right

By Sickboy at 09,Jun,14 17:26 other posts of Sickboy 
Im guessing that you wish you hadn't wrote this topic!
By stl06 at 09,Jun,14 18:04 other posts of stl06 
hah nah its still started a few convos with some new people on here. The ones that have the biggest problem with it I havent ever or probably wont talk much with anyway so that doesnt bother me

By #303133 at 08,Jun,14 13:03
Wow, this sounds like fun!
As soon as I am done watching this paint dry, I will get right back to you.
By stl06 at 08,Jun,14 22:15 other posts of stl06 
No intending to start arguing or anything but if such a boring topic to you why the need to leave a sarcastic comment. Its not like I bombarded anyone's pm with this. Very easy to just skip over if not interested. But again dont mean to direct this just at you its just the main reason I rarely ever use the discussion forum bc theres no discussion just sarcastic banter arguing.
By #303133 at 09,Jun,14 02:32
I beg to differ. Your topic line was totally misleading. It said: "Guessing game for fun". I thought it would actually be something new and...well...FUN. Instead, it was just another "Hey, let's talk about my dick" thread. Imagine my utter disappointment. Seriously, man, I have gone for years without talking about your dick. I am sure that it is just amazing... a sterling example of peckerhood, but guessing its size is not really all that fun. The sarcasm was merely my reaction to the lameness of your game...
By stl06 at 09,Jun,14 03:47 other posts of stl06 
Again I just question for something so lame why the need to comment then? By the fun part I just meant its nothing serious. Sorry to disappoint you by talking about my dick on showyourdick/cunt rather than just sarcastic or nonsensical remarks didn't realize that was what the site was made for.

By bella! at 08,Jun,14 11:08 other posts of bella! 
Hey, this is a wonderful concept, you "thought you would try something NEW here" and ask members to guess the length and girth of your dick. Seriously, you have been a member for more than 2 years and you haven't noticed the number of needy members ( men and women ) that have opened topics just like this? Here's something else that members would find unique and NEW, open another forum topic asking members to rate your dick on a scale of 1 to 10. That might be a lot of fun, too!
By #132188 at 08,Jun,14 12:36
personally like the sports channel
By bella! at 08,Jun,14 14:05 other posts of bella! 
Be still my heart, is it even possible? When the men are playing football that their cocks might flop out and we can guess the length and girth? Woo hoo!

By stl06 at 08,Jun,14 22:11 other posts of stl06 
Well by something new I meant more like starting a convo with new people here which is new to me rather than just seeing everyone pick apart and ridicule everything someone says int he forum which is all it seems to be. For example everyone one of those rate me or whatever topics that is started, which doesnt seem that weird considering its a site to show off nude pics, there is ten fold comments saying they are dumb or boring topics which is basically all ive noticed over the years on here. But I guess I am out of line thinking a conversation starter about a cock would make sense on a site called showyourcock/cunt, not sure what I was thinking there.
By bella! at 08,Jun,14 23:49 other posts of bella! 
I am being 100% serious, no sarcasm and I'm not trying to beat you down..... if you are hoping to develop a conversation starter or embrace the idea of gaining new friends, you might want to try commenting on other members pictures ( guys and gals alike ). If you were in a social setting, I can't imagine you would begin a conversation by asking; what do you think of my shirt OR how do you like my haircut? You might approach a female by saying you enjoy the music or that you are attracted to the fragrance she's wearing. Right? I think it's going to be difficult for you to start a conversation, here or anywhere, when it you want the topic of conversation to be centered around you. Again, this was by no means said to insult you, it's just my opinion.
By stl06 at 08,Jun,14 23:51 other posts of stl06 
I agree. Just meant to say I feel like this site is pretty different than a social setting. In a social setting I would also not start off by handing a female a stack of pictures of my cock and thats it either. I understand you were not trying to insult and hope I dont come off as insulting either because that also is not my intention.
By bella! at 08,Jun,14 23:57 other posts of bella! 

By veroslut at 08,Jun,14 10:09 other posts of veroslut 
I'll say 18cm lenght... don't know about the girth
By #68656 at 08,Jun,14 10:33
His "member`s recent comments" clearly indicate he would prefer any such estimations or quotations to be from female members only so let us wait and see what our lady members say.
Is there a prize or reward for the most accurate answer.?
By stl06 at 08,Jun,14 22:20 other posts of stl06 
hah havent thought of any prizes or anything just interested some people seem to be really good judges of estimating size and others are way off in either direction

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