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should i do porn? cuz i got proposition.

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Started by #459012 at 06,Jul,14 20:33
is my cock good enough for that?

Similar topics:   2.Porn and/ or Erotica as Sex Education   3.Women and Porn   4.Always wanted to be in porn?   5.100 Buck Goes To  

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By #411242 at 07,Jul,14 03:51
Unless you go to Cali where they go by the rule 8.8.8.. you must live in the 888 district area because that's where all those companies are. you must be 8 inches and you must last at least 80 min.

By #411242 at 07,Jul,14 03:50
As much as you might think that size matters in porn...It doesn't. It helps but it's all about 5 things not just the one. 1. Ejaculate amount ( do you really like to see those pornos were a guys fucks the shit out of a girl and then makes a big scene of how he's about to bust and it's like..squeezing a tube of toothpaste), 2. Size ( there's a market for all sizes..big,small and average. the goal isn't to make the girl orgasm as many would think.the goal is to make the audience orgasm..They are there to work not fall in love lol.. 3. Body size- A market for all and if you are fatter but can fuck better than someone who is 130 biiigg market..4. You're over all carry..Are you the one who's like uh uh uh uh..ya..oh baby..oh baby..or are you the one tearing it up so bad you can speak...5 location..location location..Depending on where you are at depend on what your audience wants to see. I know when I produced porn in N.c they wanted to see "marines" and women in "uniform" things like that. So size is just a small factor to a list of many..

By _avg_ at 07,Jul,14 02:26 other posts of _avg_ 
Dubious, and while it is a nice looking cock, that's only like the 43rd most important thing to being a porn actor. If I may cite Cracked a 2nd time today....

http //www cracked com/article_21339_5-reasons-being-male-porn-star-less-fun-than-it-looks html

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