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Started by #400852 at 08,Jul,14 17:48
I used to be just a moaner when I cum during sex,but the older I get it seems my orgasms are getting more intense,I fine myself screaming more now when I get off,my wife has always been a screamer but now it is great when we both cum at the same time and scream together hell I know the neighbors have to hear us,it is the best feeling ever,anyone else have any similar experiences please share with us.

New Comment

By routemaster at 15,Sep,15 11:32 other posts of routemaster 
Sounds like you have a TRULY FANTASTIC sex life! Carry on MOANING and SCREAMING and never give up on enjoying yourselves

By #485312 at 15,Sep,15 09:26
l like to scream 'fuck me' or 'harder' 'more' 'don't stop' and l scream when its over, 'fuck me' 'is that it'? all sex should last longer, l wish l didn't have to put clothes back on and go home when its over *lix*

By #311947 at 28,Jul,14 20:11
Have had a few screamers. Sometimes makes me laugh cause I know anyone with in at least a on block radius can hear. First real loud screamer I had actually got me laid by a neighbor! We walked out the next morning and when my neighbor saw us she had a look of aw on her face which changed to a smile bordering on out right laughter. Fucked her 2 days later. Afterwards she commented on hearing "The screamer" We had fun for a while.

By #463952 at 24,Jul,14 01:22
I'm a screamer!
By #400852 at 25,Jul,14 09:26
you are hot,I would like to make you scream

By #467057 at 23,Jul,14 19:24
Most girls I'm with scream or just bite their lip [deleted image]
By #400852 at 24,Jul,14 09:27
I bet so,nice ride

By #463952 at 24,Jul,14 01:33
I'm a screamer...if the cock is big

By #358797 at 23,Jul,14 04:11
I scream sometimes... It just depends on how hard I'm getting fucked.
By #400852 at 23,Jul,14 09:27
I would love to make you scream

By #464196 at 19,Jul,14 22:50
Fucked this chick a couple of times a while ago, used to go over there around midnight and especially missionary for some reason she would be so fucking loud that the neighbours 3 doors down would be able to hear her.
By #400852 at 20,Jul,14 12:13
sounds like you did her pretty good,I love the screamers

By #347242 at 11,Jul,14 07:43
my gf is loud. really really loud, but in a hot feminine screaming way lol. got an older fuckbuddy and she swears and talks like a sailor when we fuck. i like both
By #400852 at 14,Jul,14 20:48
love it when they talk dirty

By #6568 at 11,Jul,14 12:16
Although I'm older now my orgasms are very long and deep and I do make involuntary lust grunts and gasps. Actually there is good evidence to suggest that giving vocals to ones orgasmic pleasure makes that orgasm greater....martial artists are actually trained to make a vocal addition when punching and kicking becasue it enhances the power, why not during orgasm?
By #400852 at 11,Jul,14 13:45
yeah I don't know if it's because of getting older and I don't jack off everyday like I used to and it builds up and makes it that much more intense or what,but if thats the case I wish I would have known that when I was jacking everyday I would have quit doing it so much,because that feeling I get now is out of this world.

By #339033 at 11,Jul,14 01:47
neighbor once ask wife if i was ok , thought i had had a heartattck something...he never says anything anymore
By #400852 at 11,Jul,14 11:55
been waiting on my neighbor to ask if something is wrong,great ain't it

By #400852 at 10,Jul,14 18:48
why is it so damn hard to get people to comment on something on this site

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