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I am NOT a "Morning Person"

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Started by #303133 at 10,Aug,14 04:50
I despise such people and believe that they should be quarantined in some remote, gawd-forsaken place and made to fight each other to the death for scraps of food.
I may be out of bed by 5:30 AM, but I am not officially "awake" until noon.
If you dare to chirp an idiotic "good morning" at me before that time, be sure that there are no sharp objects within easy reach.
You have been warned, and I take no responsibility for any harm which may befall you if you ignore this advice.

Similar topics: 1.question for the men over 40 ?   2.Night or morning sex   3.embarrassing ?   4.Morning boners   5.No morning erections  

New Comment

By sweetslit at 10,Aug,14 22:26 other posts of sweetslit 
I am such a morning person, every day I spring out of bed at 4am (even on my days off) and sing to myself “Good morning sunshine, the world says hello”, even though the sun is not up yet. Then I prance around the house in my panties, making coffee and getting ready.
By Sickboy at 10,Aug,14 22:52 other posts of Sickboy 
Ok I'm staying over yours.....couldn't think of a better way to wake up! in your panties Mmmm
By sweetslit at 10,Aug,14 23:21 other posts of sweetslit 
If I was waking up next to you I would not be in my panties for long

By #170523 at 10,Aug,14 23:20
I bet you wouldn't try to cut me over celery like cranky pants would,everyone knows it makes your hair shiny...Wait a minute,you have ropes and paddles,
By sweetslit at 10,Aug,14 23:33 other posts of sweetslit 
Celery would go nice in my breakfast Bloody Mary

By #303133 at 10,Aug,14 23:23
That sort of behavior has a life expectancy of about forty seconds in these here parts, ma'am.
The sunshine can bite me, and the world needs to get its "hello"-saying ass the hell out of my face.
By sweetslit at 11,Aug,14 01:10 other posts of sweetslit 
Oh, the sunshine dose not bite, it give you soft little kisses leaving freckles behind

By Sickboy at 10,Aug,14 21:43 other posts of Sickboy 
I **** /Dislike getting up in the morn! That's why I'm always in the local cafe by 6! Nothing better than a fry up to start your day!......then I beg for bad weather!

So I can go home
By #303133 at 10,Aug,14 22:15
By the time you got to the "in the morn!" bit, I had already pillaged several small villages and left the women wailing over the tragic loss of their men-folk...
By Sickboy at 10,Aug,14 22:23 other posts of Sickboy 
why you are a busy man! Don't forget to eat between pillaging, got to keep up the energy!
--------------------------------------- added after 32 minutes
can I ask what you did with the men-folk?

By Ray10754 at 10,Aug,14 21:39 other posts of Ray10754 
PIE ???

Adult Discussion Forum