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Summer Outdoor Pics

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Started by #285354 at 15,Aug,14 09:36
We're into the final weeks of summer. Let's SYD enjoying the summer weather.
[deleted image]

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New Comment

By #68656 at 15,Aug,14 10:42
Conversely here in the Southern Hemisphere, that esoteric, contra-rotating other half of the world our winter is nearing its end and our summer is approaching.
By #285354 at 16,Aug,14 13:31
Let's not leave out the southern hemisphere. Show pics from the past summer season.
By #68656 at 16,Aug,14 14:50
Plenty of pictures in my gallery.
None from the last summer but plenty from summer seasons past.
By #443664 at 16,Aug,14 18:07
So for christmas cards and merchandise, do you still have snowmen etc. on the christmas cards or is it different?
By #68656 at 16,Aug,14 18:12
There are images of snowmen but in the middle of our summer such things are ridiculous. In many pictures kangaroos and emus are common and Santa`s sleigh is often portrayed as being drawn by kangaroos.
By spermkiss at 17,Aug,14 00:16 other posts of spermkiss 
Hi John,

Well, I've been in the southern hemisphere so many times I've lost track. One trip was particularly memorable because it was for New Years in Rio de Janeiro. That city is roughly at the same latitude Cuba, but of course in the southern hemisphere. So not only is it at the edge of the tropics, but New Years is in the summer. So it was HOT!

We arrived just a couple of days after Christmas so Christmas decorations were very much still up. So, yes, there were icicles, snowmen, snowflakes and Santa's sleigh landing on a snowy roof.

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