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how to precum?

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Started by #454258 at 21,Aug,14 03:01
I've seen, and read about, precumming, as if it happens every time. I find it difficult to trigger precum. any tips.

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By #436014 at 20,May,15 02:03
glad i can precum, it's great for lube

By qhaos at 22,Aug,14 10:09 other posts of qhaos 
try edging, my amount of precum is really increased since i've started doing this, and is a good training for your cock and stamina
By #285354 at 23,Aug,14 09:20
Yes, you should be able to trigger precum by edging. When mastrubating, stop just short of shooting your load. Wait a minute and then resume masturbating. If you do not start dripping precum repeat the process. Pre-cum is produced in the Cowper’s gland. Sperm is made in the testicles, 2 different locations in your body. Good luck, don't worry if it doesn't happen, most importantly enjoy doing it. Masturbation should be pure pleasure.

By #454258 at 28,Aug,14 04:07
thanks. i'll try that

By JeffinKS at 19,May,15 23:01 other posts of JeffinKS 
I agree try edging... the closer you can get to the edge without going over... the more pre you will get!

By spermkiss at 21,Aug,14 05:44 other posts of spermkiss 
I think it's genetic. Some men have a lot, some men have a moderate amount, some men have a little and some men do not have any. I'm speaking as a gay man who has been with a LOT of men over the years. If you have only a little, that's just the way your body is so learn to live with it and be satisfied.

For what it's worth, I produce a lot. Even when I'm not at all sexually aroused I often leak some. With even the smallest excitement the flood gates are really opened. While this can be fun and exciting in a sexual situation, leaking precum in public in a non-sexual situation is sometime embarrassing.
By #460252 at 24,Aug,14 23:21
i to have a lot of prcum im wet most of the time, and find it embarrassing some times

By Emerald at 21,Aug,14 23:10 other posts of Emerald 
I have always had the impression that precum is there to keep the space between the head and foreskin moist, and allow the skin to slide back and forth easily. I find if I pull the foreskin back, the head dries out almost immediately, and there will be no more precum until I let it roll forwards again.

I first read about KY jelly and people using artificial lubrication when I got an internet connection. I was about 19 at the time. I do remember, however, when I was younger, a friend of mine thought I had come because I had so much precum. He had a naturally short foreskin which did not cover the head, so I suspect he did not get nearly as much of it as I did.

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