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Sometimes when I'm alone...

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Started by #473582 at 28,Sep,14 00:59
Sometimes when I'm home alone I like to cover myself in cotton balls, sit on my window sill and pretend I'm a snowflake.

New Comment

By Odin_york_pa at 01,Oct,14 02:33 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
Sometimes when I am alone I fill my bathub with marinara sauce and pretend I'm a meatball

By #359325 at 28,Sep,14 04:45
How bout covering yourself in cotton balls and pretend your some cotton candy?

By bella! at 28,Sep,14 01:58 other posts of bella! 
Cover yourself in cotton balls and pretend you are a snowflake? Why not cover yourself in cotton balls and pretend you're cotton candy or cover yourself in cotton balls, hide under the bed and pretend you're a dust bunny, yes! A snowflake, no.......

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