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Double stream

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Started by #472823 at 11,Oct,14 09:40
When I pee, I got two streams of pee, even if my skin is retracted. Is this normal?

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By #7976 at 14,Oct,14 01:43
It's certainly not abnormal... Sometimes I pis a strong single stream and sometimes it splits into two. It seems to have something to do with pressure for me. It's only a problem however when your trying to be neat at a friends house then you piss half in the toilet and half on the floor. And of course, there's never anything in the bathroom to clean up the mess.

By #137412 at 13,Oct,14 12:05
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I get this if I pee when erect or semi erect. It seems when completely flaccid with skin over there is only one stream, if I pull skin back this causes a further stream at the bottom of the slit but these join together. When erect I get the twin stream.

This seems to depend on the **** of the pee or cum and state of erection.
There are some other pics in my gallery showing this.
Hope this is of interest and helps in your research.

By #137050 at 12,Oct,14 21:40
I get double stream a lot as well, means you have to pay attention to get it all in the bowl

Find if I am even a little bit aroused then will probably get double stream. My theory is that the extra pressure in my dick head makes the piss slit lips harder to seperate.

My answer is to open piss slit manually before starting to piss. Of course this can be self defeating as then my dick thinks I am playing and starts to inflate even more

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