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too many pics from www

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Started by #6753 at 10,Jan,10 00:51
Is it just me, or do u think too...that there are too much pics just taken from the web & posted here? should there be a proof, to make sure everybody post their very own pics only?

Similar topics: 1.Cum on pics   2."Outdoor Pics" or "Indoor Pics" .... What do You like better ???   3.Artistic pics   4.Kik dick pics spam   5.Your FAVORITE type of pics  

New Comment

By #39070 at 15,Jan,10 23:23
yeah...i hate it. i mean why bother?

By Oralanus at 15,Jan,10 20:53 other posts of Oralanus 
Thats right, to many guys load here pics from the the internet, the same problem are in SYC , i think they are only for woman or mayby Pair,but not for guys with net pics.
This Site are only for private pics.
Sometimes i ask me the question how many guys are behind a woman account in SYC, they make hot chats with guys for live their sexual fantasies.
To many pics are i so bad photgraphic quality or simular pics coming to often.

By slipper at 10,Jan,10 21:48 other posts of slipper 
uhhhh, what kind of "proof?" Admin stopping by the house?

Interesting thought, but how would it actually be done?
By #22198 at 11,Jan,10 14:58
Hold a sign that says "SYD" next to your cock. That's how they do it on Zoig, and it works really well.

By #22198 at 10,Jan,10 08:21
It's not a bad idea. A lot of other sites like this use verification pictures to certify that their members are genuine. For example, each member would be required to post one picture in which he or she is holding a piece of paper with "SYD" written on it.

Adult Discussion Forum