Recent Posts of member Oralanus




By Oralanus at 02,Oct,10 14:46
Yes, that right, only original self pics are ok, that the target from this Side

By Oralanus at 02,Oct,10 14:45
And want make some hot sex chat with guys????

By Oralanus at 02,Oct,10 14:41
And lots of guys they upload girlfriend pics under a female acount????

By Oralanus at 02,Sep,10 17:54
see my arse hole

By Oralanus at 02,Sep,10 06:42
Hi, i am straight to, but i like to play with my arse, and look nice but pics, that it. i never had a dick in my arse.

By Oralanus at 15,Jan,10 20:53
Thats right, to many guys load here pics from the the internet, the same problem are in SYC , i think they are only for woman or mayby Pair,but not for guys with net pics.
This Site are only for private pics.
Sometimes i ask me the question how many guys are behind a woman account in SYC, they make hot chats with guys for live their sexual fantasies.
To many pics are i so bad photgraphic quality or simular pics coming to often.

By Oralanus at 15,Jan,10 20:40
My but and dick are hairy

By Oralanus at 24,Nov,09 01:03
Am besten wir gr?nden den Freiwixer Orden MASTURBI & ORBI

By Oralanus at 21,Nov,09 13:55
Wir M?nner haben nun mal einen Trieb der zur Fortpflanzug dient, unsere Hoden produzieren t?glich millionen von Samenzelleen die entweder ?bers Urin oder durch Ejakulation raus kommen.Also wo liegt das Problem.
Wixe ist sch?n, es f?rdert die Fantasie, ist gefahrenlos, wenn einer Blasen am Eichel bekommt wegen ?berwixerei das ist auch nicht gesundheitsch?digend.
Fazit: t?glich wixen macht gl?cklich.