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Anal orgasms

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Started by #462500 at 24,Oct,14 12:11
I'm a bottom bisexual guy. Currently discovering the wonders of anal orgasms, please share your techniques of achieving this amazing orgasm

Similar topics: for anal   2.Anal orgasms   3.Gay guys who don't like anal?   4.Serious inquiry into anal   5.WOMEN!!! WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT ANAL SEX?  

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By #514663 at 18,Dec,21 19:33
With toys you need the right angle to find and stimulate the prostate just right.. having one from anal sex needs the right size and positioning as well.. being fucked from behind usually makes me cum the easiest. It does work though! Just check my vid

By cumonme1 at 09,Dec,17 12:40 other posts of cumonme1 
Anal orgasms are the best

By #463848 at 09,Dec,17 12:28

When watching videos of anal sex there seems to be occasions when the top may have two separate orgasms with fucking going on between them and without pulling out until the end.

Is that an illusion or does it happen?

By foreskinlover52 at 09,Jan,15 03:52 other posts of foreskinlover52 
I love anal sex, feeling a mans cock cumming inside of me is just heaven..I use differant toys when alone..Check out my videos!

By #201155 at 25,Oct,14 18:35
I use an Aneros, too, and have had some truly sensational orgasms that way. It takes me a while to get there, but that simply intensifies the pleasure. Once or twice I have even had a sort of multiple orgasm – I slept for hours after that, with the Aneros still inside me. It felt wonderful when I woke up – like I was still being fucked

By #349059 at 24,Oct,14 18:22
I have anal orgasms quite often with my partner. He is Brazilian with an uncut large penis. It only happens when I am on my back and he is fucking me missionary style. This position is best for prostate stimulation. I would say that 50% of the time I will orgasm first. We often orgasm at the same time. I think it has a lot to do with the size of his cock.

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