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Nasty Picture Requests..No Matter how Strange..MessageMe

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Started by #10208 at 10,Jan,10 20:27
I will be taking picture requests from you guys...let me know what u wanna see....no matter how nasty...weird or starnge...i will do it and post the photos on my profile....anything from scatt....too anal play...too shaving pubic hair too naked outside...too sperm shots...i mean it...anal gaping...asleep naked....u tell me....

Similar topics: 1.taking picture & video requests!   2.Photo requests.....   3.I want to hear what you'd do to my cock!   4.requests?   5.Category's  

New Comment

By slipper at 12,Jan,10 02:35 other posts of slipper 
First, let's see those flaccid pix with you completely shaved. Then, how about removing your testicles... or if you'd rather () stuff them up inside if they will go.

By #23212 at 11,Jan,10 02:03
I'll bite here, but first confused: If you're 'married', and 'straight', then why do you want pic requests from other guys? How about putting your legs up somewhere, like in a bathtub, and pissing into your own open mouth--pics and/or video would do nicely.

Adult Discussion Forum