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What do Girls think of guys who can selfsuck?

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Started by shortman129 at 22,Nov,14 13:55  other posts of shortman129

What do Girls think of Guys who can selfsuck? Do you like to watch it or not?

Similar topics: 1.Any Girls Like to Watch Guys Suck Each Other?   2.Autofellatio / Selfsuck Hot or Not?   3.Selfsuck cumshot in mouth video - please rate   4.Selfsuck dreamer   5.Wanted: Selfsuck pictures  

New Comment

By #485312 at 11,May,15 09:49
l love it, l think its super hot and not a lot of dudes are that lucky, hope it feels almost as good as a girl sucking you *lix*

By #473614 at 23,Nov,14 00:18
I can't tell you what 'girls' think because they are individuals w/ varying tastes. If you want to know what a specific girl thinks, you should ask her. For me, I find it fascinating & amazing. Also, engaging in auto-fellatio does not necessarily make one bi-sexual or gay. It does likely mean the person is the perfect combo of well-hung and flexible. (and they enjoy the feeling of having their cock sucked.)

By #477919 at 22,Nov,14 14:01
My guess would be that they would put it in the same category as guys who own blow-up dolls - i.e., cool if you tried it when you were 13, but what are you still doing it for - afterall, it is a dick that you're sucking - maybe girls that like bi-guys wouldn't mind?
By shortman129 at 22,Nov,14 14:39 other posts of shortman129 
Actually I asked Girls.

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