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Wanted: Selfsuck pictures

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Started by mago666 at 05,Apr,14 08:39  other posts of mago666
Found a few good pictures of a guy that really could selfsuck, not only touching his head, more like having half of his cock in his mouth. It didn't look like he broke his back either.

Now I would like to see those pictures again but don't know where to find him.

Anyone knows who I'm talking about?
If so please send the username to me, would like to see those pictures again.

"Wish I could..."

Similar topics: 1.WATCH A 23-YEAR OLD SELFSUCK HIS OWN STIFF 3-INCH DICK NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   2.selfsuck pics   3.Selfsuck cumshot in mouth video - please rate   4.Selfsuck dreamer   5.What do Girls think of guys who can selfsuck?  

New Comment

By Bonerfied11 at 26,Oct,24 00:09 other posts of Bonerfied11 
By german_guy at 28,Oct,24 18:42 other posts of german_guy 
wish I could do that too

By leopoldij at 28,Nov,15 13:44 other posts of leopoldij 
Here's a good clip of a guy first sucking himself and then shooting in his mouth.

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By knewbi at 26,Oct,24 17:21 other posts of knewbi 
I so wish that I could suck my own like the guy in the video. If I could, that thing would be in my mouth right now!!
By leopoldij at 26,Oct,24 20:59 other posts of leopoldij 
I know. I'd do the same. Every day.

By Bonerfied11 at 21,Oct,24 21:15 other posts of Bonerfied11 

By smokieb69 at 19,Nov,15 18:21 other posts of smokieb69 
Like this:

By #485312 at 25,Nov,15 23:15
youre amazing smokie, you rock *lix*

By #572188 at 18,Nov,18 22:13
Would love to fill my mouth with own load as well.

By #485312 at 02,Mar,16 14:17
[deleted image][deleted image]
smoking hot pics 'suckit' sideways *Lix*
By #572188 at 18,Nov,18 22:11
Would love doing that to myself

By foreskinlover52 at 10,Apr,16 18:23 other posts of foreskinlover52 
By #572188 at 18,Nov,18 22:04
Damn I wish I could reach mine

By #509568 at 09,Apr,16 16:02
[deleted image]
[deleted image]
[deleted image]
There's a few different angles here. Can get past the head but half would be a big stretch (no pun intended)
By #485312 at 11,Apr,16 09:37
ooh yeah, hot shots *lix*

By foreskinlover52 at 10,Apr,16 18:21 other posts of foreskinlover52 

By #510409 at 10,Apr,16 12:46
i can lick the head of my cock but can't get it into my mouth

By leopoldij at 28,Nov,15 13:48 other posts of leopoldij 
And here is the scene from the movie Shortbus only registered users can see external links where a guy sucks himself and cums in his mouth.
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The scene is unsimulated. The film is not porn.

By #485312 at 28,Nov,15 02:42
[deleted image]
Loving this surecock *lix *

By #497480 at 26,Nov,15 22:30
[deleted image]
By #485312 at 27,Nov,15 13:04
That nearly fills two categories, self suck and deepthroat *lix*

By #485312 at 25,Nov,15 23:14

this guy makes my pussy hot *lix*

By #485312 at 25,Nov,15 23:02

smokieb is an amazing guy *lix*

By #497241 at 03,Sep,15 08:02
I can suck it .never let anyone see who wants to be the first woman or couple mw..
By smokieb69 at 19,Nov,15 18:23 other posts of smokieb69 
I would love to see you doing it

By #495036 at 12,Sep,15 21:55
I could do it when I was much younger. Not so much anymore...

By #64328 at 12,Sep,15 16:21
I could when I was young. I even let a friend watch me do it because he didnt believe me. Sadly I lost the flexibility around the middle of my high school years.

By Walker at 12,Sep,15 16:06 other posts of Walker 
I wish I could still do that

By #497480 at 11,Sep,15 22:48
[deleted image]
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[deleted image]
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I can
By #485312 at 12,Sep,15 05:16
that is so hot, love to spread your cheeks and lick your arse and balls while you suck it *lix*
By leopoldij at 12,Sep,15 08:12 other posts of leopoldij 
Would you really rim him while he was self sucking?
By #485312 at 12,Sep,15 11:01
hell yeah, how could l contain myself leo, ld be pushing his arse down so he could suck it real good and l might even lay my tongue on it too, l think two mouths would be better than one, lve never met a dude that can, and l would be so turned on by it, ld want to help in any way *lix*
By leopoldij at 12,Sep,15 11:51 other posts of leopoldij 
I'd like to see you do that!

By leopoldij at 03,Sep,15 11:55 other posts of leopoldij 
Here's a free one, provided by wikipedia for educational purposes:
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