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shooped pics

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Started by #12345 at 12,Jan,10 21:17
to be in the big-boy-league i have photoshopped a pic of me [deleted image].Who has some shooped pics as well?

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New Comment

By #41068 at 15,Jan,10 14:07
ok, I won't way I'm pissed about you photoshopping pics since you admitted to it ...... but I'm still damned irritated. The entire purpose of me comng to this site originally was to find out if my dick was ok. You know the ususal is it long enough, big enough, all that. People who photoshop, screw up the "average" dick and make it more difficult for people to get an accurate idea of what is really out there. It doesn't really matter if you dick is 1" or 16", each dick has it's own advantages and disadvantages and are all good in thier own way. With the number of people who come here to ask if they are ok, I think all photoshopped pics should be banned or at the very least put into thier own category (I know that would rely on people being honest and so it will never happen). The photoshopped pic is a bad idea all the way around, not just your but all of them. the fact that you did it to be in the "big boy league" proves my point, that by modifying pics you distort the truth and give an inflated view of what is normal, causing other people to do the same or live with feelings of condemnation or inatiquicy. I encourage you to remove the pic and replace it with a real one. I also encourage anyone else who was photoshopped a pic to do the same and pass it along to any one else you know who has photoshopped pics.
By #6568 at 15,Jan,10 14:51
Very well put!

This is yet another area of this site that is ruining it for the genuine users. If you photoshop your pix then it simply turns this site from visual fact into fiction.......

......In which case, what IS the point?

By MoeJoe at 13,Jan,10 09:47 other posts of MoeJoe 
The big boy league.....geezus..what next?

Adult Discussion Forum