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Burning sensation after cumming

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Started by #274040 at 12,Dec,14 13:31
I have noticed a burning sensation after a while I cum, it doesnt happen always but I feel I need to piss but after I piss it burns like hell, let me know if it happened to u or any remedy to get it resolved

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New Comment

By #68656 at 16,Dec,14 08:59
His "members recent comments" plus a directive in this post /forum/thread.php?id=18476#t219156
clearly indicates he requires comments from female members only.
By #451452 at 16,Dec,14 23:38
John; I believe that topics in the forum need to stand on their own two feet. There is no indication in his question that he only wants input from females. I don't think that we should be required to do a CSI style investigation prior to responding to a question, unless the question states the requirements. In addition, since the plumbing is significantly different between men and women in this particular area it would be difficult for a non-medically trained female to make a reasonable suggestion. Not trying to blast a particular gender, just point out the facts that apply.

By #451452 at 16,Dec,14 00:18
Does it happen overtime you ejaculate or only after you masturbate for extended periods of time? It is possible that you are irritating the tissue on the lining of your urethra and when your urine hits that area it truly "burns". As pointed out by someone else here it could be that the valve that keeps urine from getting into your semen stream when you are aroused is slow to open and the pressure in the urine stream forces it open and the muscle burns when forced. It is probably not an STI if it doesn't occur overtime that you urinate.

By #303133 at 13,Dec,14 15:51
As a random, anonymous member of a cock showing site who has no Medical Degree, I recommend that you just man up and ignore it.
What's the worst that could happen?
Your dick could fall off?
Don't they grow back?
By #467242 at 13,Dec,14 17:27
Is that what happened to you ass clown? Dick fall off and you "manned up".

Pommy git.
By #455846 at 14,Dec,14 16:35

By #147052 at 12,Dec,14 15:43
go see a doctor. you could have a variety of male problems.
By fila1305 at 12,Dec,14 20:53 other posts of fila1305 
Best advice you can give. Sounds to me like a urethra infection of some kind. Better see your doctor about it.

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